Albedo X Seme Male Reader

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(angst to fluff)

(tw: mention of blood- mention of missing limbs)


Albedo knew he shouldn't be overworking himself like this. But he just couldn't help it. Once he got immersed into his work, he doesn't notice how much time passes. Luckily for him he always had his wonderful boyfriend to remained him to take a break. (y/n) Always made sure albedo didn't pass out from overworking himself. He forced him to take naps and made sure he ate properly. But (y/n) wasn't always there to take care of him. Being Jean's elder brother. And basically acting like the second acting grand Master. He had a lot of responsibilities on his plates. This being said they barely had time for each other nowadays. Albedo knew this, and wondered if (y/n) didn't want to spend time with him anymore. He shook those negative thoughts out of his head. He knew (y/n) loved him dearly, and he loved (y/n) just as much. Albedo looked at the time, wondering how many hours had he spent in his laboratory. He checked and it was close to midnight. That's when the tiredness came crashing down on him. By this point (y/n) would've entered the room and made albedo rest. He wondered where his lover was. He existed the lab and went to check where he was. He went to check in Jean's office, and he was surprised to see her pacing around the room with a scared look on her face.

"Jean, are you okay?" he asked her. When she looked at him, he was surprised to see her eyes red and puffy. It was obvious she was crying. This worried him even more. As Jean was not a person who would cry at anything. He knew she was crying for a good reason.

"a-albedo, I-it's about (y/n)."she told shakily. Albedo felt his heart drop, he felt sick at the thought of something bad happening to (y/n). " h-he was on patrol when a group of hilichurls and abyss mages ambushed him. He managed to defeat them all but he was critically injured." she continued.
Albedo's body filled with dread at the news. His lover was on the brink of death, and just now did he know.

"w-where is h-he now?" albedo asked, not sure if he wanted to hear the answer.

Jean took a deep breath to calm herself down. "he's currently in the cathedral. Barbara and a bunch of other doctors are watching over him as he recovers. Hopefully he will be okay." she finished, not sure whether that last sentence was to albedo or herself. Albedo wasted no time and rushed to the cathedral, he slammed open the doors looking around for Barbara, when he spotted her, he saw her sitting in one of the seats, praying. He quickly rushed towards her, wanting to know where (y/n) was. When he looked at her face she saw that she was in the same state as Jean but worse. Fresh tear tracks could be seen on her face, and she looked like she hasn't slept in days. He guessed it was from looking after her brother, and making sure he stays alive.

"Barbara, (y-y/n) where is he?" he questioned her. Wanting see him as quick as possible.

H-He's currently r-resting, we M-made sure he was in s-stable condition, now all we got to do is hope he pulls through." she told him.
Albedo rushed to the room (y/n) was resting in. When he entered he was met with the sight of his lover resting. He gasped in horror at the sight of (y/n)'s arm, more specifically his now missing arm. He saw how his right arm looked like it's been cut off from the elbow. He slowly approached the bed and looked at (y/n)'s injuries, he looked like a mummy with all the bandages wrapped around him. Albedo had to take a deep breath to calm himself down, he sat down on a chair next to the bed, where continued observing his lover's state. He had to admit, this was one of the few times he felt fear, a feeling he absolutely hated. Albedo took (y/n)'s hand, hoping that he pulls through. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hold back the tears that left his eyes. And how could he, after all the person he loves is laying in front of him, looking like he was at deaths door. Albedo laid his head on the side of the bed, the tiredness of working all night and the mental stress taking a huge toll on him. With that he closed his eyes hoping to that (y/n) will still be there when he wakes up.

When albedo woke up, he didn't expect to be covered in a blanket. What he didn't even expect more was to see (y/n) sitting next the window in the room, gazing at the flowers outside. He quickly stood up causing the chair to scrape the ground, the noise alerting (y/n) who quickly looked at its source. He calmed down when he noticed it was only albedo.

"good morning love, had a nice sleep?" (y/n) asked him with a warm smile. Albedo wasted no time time and rushed towards his lover. He hugged him tightly afraid that something bad will happen if he let go. Albedo couldn't stop the tears that were now pouring out of his eyes. (y/n) Noticed this and held albedo tighter, he ran his only remaining hand through his hair, trying to calm him down.

"calm down love, I'm here." (y/n) said calmly, trying to soothe his lovers fear. (y/n) managed to successfully lift Albedo onto his lap although with a bit of difficulty. He continued to stroke albedo's hair, trying to calm him down.

"I-I w-was so s-scared you w-would die." albedo said through his cries. He lifted his head and looked at his (h/c) colored lover. (y/n) used his hand to wipe the alchemists tears, After which he gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"there's no need to be scared my dear, I'm not going anywhere." (y/n) reassured him. "but sadly I can't say I came back in one piece." (y/n) joked. This caused albedo to let out a small chuckle, as he laid his head on (y/n)'s shoulder.

They both sat there in comfortable silence, with (y/n) stroking albedo's back.

"albedo?" (y/n) called. Albedo removed himself from his comfortable position to look at (y/n).
"I'm retiring." albedo' s eyes widened at the statement.

"are you sure about this? it's a pretty big decision." albedo asked. He knew being a knight of Favonius was (y/n)'s biggest dream. And he achieved that dream and more. But before he could dwell on it any further (y/n) spoke.

"well I won't be actually fully retiring l, I'll just take up a position training new recruits." (y/n) informed him.
"I won't be of much use on the battlefield, but at least I'll be able to train people who can." he continued.

Albedo knew that was the best decision. With (y/n) missing an arm he knew he couldn't defend himself as well as before.

"I guess it's for the better, but for now I want you to stay with me." albedo said with small blush tainting his face.
Which (y/n) thought was adorable.

"of course my prince, anything for you." (y/n) said, while grabbing albedo's chin making him look into his eyes. They stared at each other for a bit, before (y/n) decided to lean in for kiss, which albedo happily responded to. (y/n) hooked his arm around albedo's waist bringing him closer, albedo responded by wrapping his arms around (y/n)'s neck. They both broke away from the kiss, panting for air. They again stared onto each other lovingly.

"I love you my alchemist prince."

"and i love you too my knight in shining armor."


Author's note: I have no excuse whatsoever for not writing. With that being said. Enjoy this chapter.

genshin impact males x seme male reader one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora