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Disclaimer! I DON'T OWN HARRY POTTER! That right goes to the troll by the name of J.K rowling, unfortunately. 

I'll admit. I never once thought I would be here. Planning how to 'Take over the world' or what everyone else thinks this job includes. But I was just so done with everything in my other life. Both my parents dead when I was a baby, being labelled after their deaths, being reminded of what could've been, every time someone called me that stupid name. Having to go through a  psychopath trying to  murder me every year at 'the safest place in the wizarding world'. Dumbledore doing nothing to even try to stop it. Watching my only other father figure, my only hope to escape the abuse, I had to watch him die. I had to put up with the abuse for years, Dumbledore knew about it, and yet, he forced me to go back. Year after year. I only figured this out after stopping by Gringotts. Loyalty potions to the one, the only, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. It was after the war, after his  death, and it physically harms me to remember how devastated I was after his death, how I wished to avenge him. Makes me sick to think about now. 

Now, why am I a 'dark lord'. Voldemort, before he got corrupted, his goals were understandable. He didn't wish to get rid of Muggles. he understood their importance, he was upset about the traditions. Our traditional celebrations of Yule, Samhain,  replaced with Christmas and Halloween to make the muggle borns more comfortable, instead of respecting traditions. My goal is to protect all children from the fate that fell onto me. No killing of the innocent is my main rule. I also wish to return to the traditions. Give all muggleborns two or three years tutoring to allow them to understand and respect our traditions and ideas. Teach the muggleborns that they are all equal. They all have magical blood, and that's what matters. 

I know it may seem twisted. becoming a Dark lord to prevent the fate that befell on me because of a dark lord? in a twisted sort of way, it's funny. But I am determined to not let the same fate as what happened to Voldemort happen to me. And besides, I like to think of myself as more of a neutral power than a "dark lord". I'm just doing this to get my hard earned revenge.  That sounds bad. It's complicated, just,

You know what? It's always best to start at the beginning. But the problem is, my story has two. One, Albus Dumbledore. The other, the doorstop. Let's start with Albus first, shall we?

known as another nameOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant