Mokuhi suru (Keep Silent)

Start from the beginning

"GOTCHA!" Seiko dropped onto Keigo's back, wings vanishing as they wrapped their arms around his neck, legs around his waist. They giggled, attacking Keigo's cheek with kisses.
"Jesus kid you tryna give me a heart attack or what?!" Hawks grinned, sighing with relief and cocking his head to the side to plant his lips on Seiko's.
"Kid?! You sound like an old man..." Seiko rolled their eyes, slinking down off Hawks' back and walking into the kitchen.
"Woah hey now where do you think you're going?! I haven't seen you all day and you're just gonna run off like that?" He grabbed their wrist, playfully pulling them into his chest and cupping either side of their face. "Sorry I offended you, what would you have me call you instead hm? Darling?" He leaned in, pecking Seiko's lips, eyes staring devilishly down at them. "Sweetheart?" He trailed down to their jaw, "little one?" Their neck... "Baby bird?"
Seiko swooned, eyes fluttering shut with every kiss, head tilting to the side to allow more access to the bit of bare skin. Their teeth dug into their bottom lip, a smirk curling on the outside of their mouth. "Don't tease me Keigo..."
"Awe come on... " Hawks let his hands run down the side of their body, fingers curling around their hips and pulling them thrush against his own. "It's so much fun, I love it when you get all shy for me."
Seiko sneered, shaking their head at him and pulling away. "I bet you do... but unfortunately for you, supper isn't going to cook itself you know."
Hawks admired Seiko as they walked back into the kitchen, everything they did was .... beautiful. Still, the second they were out of eyesight the smile faded and reality came crashing back in. Hawks felt his jaw quiver at the thought and he realized he wouldn't be able to spend a second without his eyes on them. He quickly shrugged his coat off, hanging it up and kicking off his shoes before chasing after them. "Who said you had to cook supper?"

"What? Are you going to cook?" Seiko couldn't hide the skepticism in their voice

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"What? Are you going to cook?" Seiko couldn't hide the skepticism in their voice. We all know how that ended last time," they teased him, "I'd rather not have to call the fire department again." What a disaster that night was. Funny in hindsight.
"It was one time!" Hawks attempted to defend himself. "How was I supposed to know how much oil to put in the pan?! I didn't think it would catch fire!"
"Well you know that's the funny thing about vegetable happens to be flammable."
"Well now I know... come on you can trust me Babybird... I can cook, I'm perfectly capable. Practically a chef in fact!"
Seiko just rolled their eyes, sighing with their hands on their hips, they wanted to listen but... "I dunno, cooking helps me relieve stress ya know? I can just stand in here with nothing but some music and just..." They shrugged at their own words, letting them trail off.
Hawks brows furrowed at the word... stress... last time he checked Seiko was ordered to do the exact opposite of that. Hawks chewed on the inside of his cheek as he took a good look at Seiko. They were always beautiful to him, so much so that sometimes any imperfection escaped his notice. It was obvious now that he was looking for it... the redness of their skin, the bags under their eyes... the way their hands shook as they massaged the back of their own neck. "What're you stressed about baby? Hm?" He stepped closer, cupping either side of their face and pressing their foreheads together.
Seiko shrugged. "I'm fine really ... it's not a big deal I just- I've just been working a lot on developing my quirk more... it's nothing compared to what you do all day." Seiko could never complain, Hawk was a number 2 hero. His work was dangerous, taxing, exhausting... and what did they do all day? Train... that's nothing compared to saving lives. Seiko would never let themselves falter in front of Keigo. Vulnerability made them wildly uncomfortable.
"Hey... stop that right now. Look at me... Seiko, hey! Look at me." Hawks' tone changed in an instant. He could see they were really struggling. That was the thing about Seiko... they were tough, and Hawks loved that about them. Nothing would ever break them down but... in some ways that were a set back too. Hawks worked really hard to get them to open up... to get them to see themselves as valuable of self-love and self-care. Sometimes they just needed reminding. "Don't you go comparing yourself to me okay? Your quirk takes a great deal of energy to even use... and all that energy just comes from you. Your body. Me? My wings are just there I don't even gotta think about it... You spend all that time, conjuring that energy, manifesting it, creating that barrier and then you even take it further and manipulate it into different shapes... into your own wings, baby... You do amazing things with your quirk, you work hard just like every hero I know." Hawks paused a moment, why did Seiko always think so lowly of themselves? Was he not a good enough boyfriend? Did he not show or tell them enough how amazing they were? How strong? "I know heroes need a little R&R too Baby bird..."
"Keigo please, really I promise I'm fine I-" Seiko tried to pull away but Hawks only held their body in place against his. They sighed in defeat but also comfort as Hawks wrapped his wings around their tiny frame. Enclosing the two of them in this cocoon of their own. Seiko didn't have the courage to look up at him. They always felt so small in Hawks' arms.
"Seiko. Enough..." Hawks' words were soft, but dominating, he would have last say in this... the way Seiko's body looked so worn down from all the training they must have been doing... he was going to take care of them. "How long did you train today?" His jaw clenched together when they stayed silent. "Answer me Seiko... how long?"
"From when you left..."
"At 5am? Until when...?"
Seiko bit the inside of their cheek, why was Hawks making such a big deal out of this? What was with him today? Sure Hawks was protective, sure he was affectionate but ... this energy radiating off of him... Seiko could feel was different. It was much more intense.
"Seiko! Until when?"
"Um... about.... until you walked in the door...."
Hawks pushed an angered sigh out from his nose, tilting Seiko's chin upward to meet his very obviously disapproving gaze. " Twelve hours?! You pushed yourself.... for TWELVE. HOURS. Seiko...." He shook his head at them. "The Doctor said if you worked it too much-"
"I know what the Doctor said Keigo." They snapped back, Seiko didn't care about that... there were bigger problems in the world than what the Doctor said to them.
"Well you should! Four hours a day! MAXIMUM! You did 3X the amount Seiko what if something had happened to you!? What if I wasn't here and something-"
"Well it didn't! I'm fine don't you see? Look at me I'm fine!"
Hawks huffed a short breath, pushing his emotions aside... he knew Seiko wasn't fine. He knew deep down they were in pain. Seiko's skin was raw from expelling that amount of energy from their body, their muscles were aching, fuck he was amazed they were still able to stand. He didn't want to think about it.
Seiko didn't move when Hawks' eyes trailed down, the expression on his face turning from concern to worry, anger, sadness... they reached their slender fingers up to brush against his jawline. "Hawks... what's up with you today? Hm? You're different, did something happen at work?"
Hawks sighed, his hand cupping Seikos as he drew his attention back to their eyes. Lie. "Yeah... I'm sorry, I know I'm usually not like this, work was just hard and I care about you... ya know?" He flashed a charming smile. "I want to be able to take care of you but, you seem to keep pushing yourself to your limits every day Baby bird. You never cease to amaze me." He held their hand, kissing their wrist.
"It's alright, I should probably be a little more careful... I didn't mean to scare you."
"Look, we both had a long day, why don't we order something for tonight huh? Have a nice romantic evening just the two of us? A little wine... a nice hot bath..."
Seiko smirked at the thought. "I think that would be great," they leaned in, head resting on Keigo's chest in a grounding hug. "That works for both of us because then I don't have to cook and you won't set our apartment on fire."
"Exactly," Hawks lifted Seiko's chin, staring into their eyes, so radiant, so warm and inviting. He'd never get enough of them. "I love you so much Baby bird... you know that don't you?"
"Of course I do..." Seiko's brows furrowed, "I love you too..." They felt Hawks lean in, lips crashing together in a heated kiss, their hands on Keigo's chest and his hands pulling them in closer if at all possible.
Hawks pulled away, only millimeters separating them. "Why don't you go start running a bath for us hm? I'll order some food, okay?"
Seiko nodded, planning on dimming the bathroom lights, lighting some candles too. "As long as you're not opposed to bubbles?"
"Never." Keigo winked, watching them as they made their way into the bathroom. He let himself turn away for a moment, feeling like his chest was about to cave in as he realized everything was falling apart. Maybe he wasn't as strong as he thought... he was blind. This whole time Seiko's been wreaking havoc on their body, trying to train, to grow stronger to help join the fight against the LOV. Keigo was in ignorant bliss pretending it wasn't as bad as it is. Pretending the fight was far away from them, that they didn't need to train... when really the danger was knocking down their door. Already here... watching them. Hawks couldn't lose them... Seiko.... the thought of it just-
He fought back tears. He had to tell someone about this, about Dabi... his obsession. God, he wanted to keep the past buried but Dabi had no intention of it. He wanted to shield everyone from those horrors, especially Seiko, but this was too much. Even now, Hawks had failed to keep them safe. If he couldn't keep them safe from themselves how could he expect to keep them safe from the LOV? That's it... after tonight he'd let someone know. Endeavour? No... bad idea. Although it could be Dabi's one weakness if- no ... he couldn't do that to him.
Hawks was at a crossroads. He didn't want to hurt Dabi again, but this was his life now. Dabi chose his... fuck. He chewed on his lip. Eraserhead... Eraserhead was... subtle. An ally, he'd be perfect.

Gisei (Dabi X Hawks X Non Binary OC)Where stories live. Discover now