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(Y/n) was currently standing in formation amidst a whole platoon of cadets. To his left was Annie and to his right was Reiner, and further down was Bertholdt. He watched as his fellow cadets were being grilled by their instructor, though ones such as himself and his three friends were not question maybe having to do with their place within the wall when it was breached. He watched them all get face blasted until he watched a girl with brown hair start eating a potato in the middle of formation. He keeps a straight face as he sees her get destroyed as his eyes seemed to be emanating a dim red glow. Several people took notice of this causing them to be intrigued. The rest of the day was about as average as can get, though they did do a lot of physical training, to get their bodies in shape. Though the end of the day came and (Y/n) was walking back from chow by himself as he had grown sickened by the ones asking for such specific details. Hearing them talking about caused an image to flash in his head it was that of his mother being ripped to pieces by a titan. He just decided he had enough for the day and headed back to the bunk house to sleep.
-The Next Day-
Today was ODM practice and balance test there were several days for this. (Y/n)'s friends were unsure to see what was going to happen. They all thought he was too kind for his own good so they were unsure of how he'd perform. Low and behold he was maintaining balance like a pro leaving the three in complete shock, though the one next to him was struggling pretty hard, they could see it was bothering (Y/n) greatly. He actually saw the boy being ridiculed by several of the other cadets at the bunk house this caused him to become greatly annoyed by what he was seeing. Reiner and Bertholdt were surprised about his total anger welling up within him. Though the boy and his friend would then ask for advise from (Y/n) and the two he considered his brothers. Though there wasn't really much advice to be given, though Bertholdt did ask.
Bertholdt:"Weren't you two on ground zero with the titans? Why become soldiers after seeing that?"
Armin:"I wasn't there to see them face to face. Eren was however not so lucky."
(Y/n):"I see."
Eren:"Aren't you from Shingashina too? You saw them too right?"
Reiner:"We all were there. Though (Y/n) was out cold at the time."
Armin:"What? Why?"
(Y/n) tensed as Bertholdt answered.
Bertholdt:"It's not very important."
(Y/n):"I only saw two... One ripped my mother in half, the other broke through the inner wall. I want to become something even the titans are afraid of."
Eren looked surprised that there was someone who shared in his thoughts. Though he would then here Reiner say.
Reiner:"Come on you don't even wanna even give the military police a chance?"
(Y/n):"No. If I do that I'll never see the outside of the walls."
Bertholdt:"Still hard headed eh, little brother?"
(Y/n):"I'm the same age as you!!!"
Reiner:"Yeah but besides Annie you're still the smallest."
They eventually began to take Eren and Armin to a place (Y/n) had found during the first night here. It was a beautiful lake surrounded by foliage and mountains. They begin to have a talk about how most view the military as 90% do this in hopes of finishing in the top 10 to become a part of the military police and become stationed in the inner walls. Reiner then says however.
Reiner:"I just want to return to the homeland I lost. That's all I have left to go on. I'm going back no matter what."
(Y/n):"Looks like I'm starting to rub off on you after all."
Reiner just chuckles at this. Bertholdt then asks Eren.
Bertholdt:"Why did you become a soldier?"
Eren sports an intense look as he says.
Eren:"I decided I had to kill them. I had to kill all the titans myself. That was what I decided. Though I don't even know if I can become a soldier."
He hangs his head as (Y/n) says.
(Y/n):"I believe you can. You are every bit as capable as the rest of us."
Eren:"You really think so?"
(Y/n):"I know so."
Now wearing his bright smile.
-Flash forward to the sparring-
(Y/n) had actually wowed everyone with how gifted he was with the ODM gear it was actually quite incredible. He was a very big team player as he went to the back of the hiking formation to help those who were falling out sometimes even carrying those individuals. His combat while maneuvering was incredible only rivaled by that of Mikasa. Though this was the day for actual sparring with faux weaponry. He flipped Jean on his ass a few times before turning to see Reiner and Eren get dumped onto there head by Annie. This caused a smirk to trace his face before saying.
(Y/n):"Hey Annie. How about you pick on someone your own size?"
(Y/n) then gets into a defensive pose, before Annie simply says rather quickly.
She then quickly walks off leaving (Y/n) looking disappointed. At this Eren says.
Eren:"Didn't he just see us get our asses handed to us?"
Reiner:"Yes but, he is actually really good himself Annie actually taught him a considerable amount, at least enough so that he can protect himself. If I'm honest I think she might have a thing for him."
Annie:"What was that Reiner?"
Reiner in fear just says.
Reiner:"N-Nothing just... Ahh!!"
He is then flipped onto his ass again prompting (Y/n) to come over and ask.
(Y/n):"Why must you provoke her?"
Reiner:"I did nothing I was just minding my own business."
He then extends his hand to help him up.
-Flash Forward to the day after graduation-
They released the top ten amongst the top of the class. Though there was heavy debate amidst the higher ups in deciding who would be first vowing to say first was Mikasa while (Y/n) would be second. This excited his father as he just figured his son would decide to be apart of the Military Police. Though at the moment (Y/n) was just hanging with his friends on top of the wall as they did all the bitch work the Garrison didn't want to do. Everything felt good and right until he here's a giant boom and turns to a horrifying sight.

 Everything felt good and right until he here's a giant boom and turns to a horrifying sight

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A/n: That's another one done. I hope you all enjoyed and hope to see you all in the next one. Until then, Peace!

Vengeful Soldier (Attack on Titan X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now