Nice To Know You

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Yeeter @Parkour

   Anyone want to take 'couples counselling' and see at what point the therapist realises we don't know each other?

Always Confused @WhatIsHappening

    This is genius, how did you come up with it and how can I join.

Dylan can step on me @Starkid4ever

   Where do I sign up, man!

Potato Boi @TheMechanic


ACAB @AvengersAreCool

   Please, I really want to. Where do you live?

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Yeeter @Parkour

   So my tweet got a lot of attention? I was kind of joking but let's do it! NewYork (Queens) based people HMU!

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Private DM's: @TheMechanic to @Parkour.

TheMechanic: Hey Darlin'

TheMechanic: Saw your tweet, I'm temporarily staying near Queens in three days.

TheMechanic: Thought if you wanted to do this with no strings attached, I'd be the guy for the job.

TheMehanic: That is if you're cool with me being a guy ofcourse.

Parkour: OMG please

Parkour: you're like the only one that can actually make it work

Parkour: and yea man no problem, I'm Bi so that'll work.

TheMechanic: Cool. So do we prepare for this?

TheMechanic: How much do we get to know each other beforehand?

Parkour: Good one. I guess I do want to have this 'improv' effect but it does need to be believable enough so we don't get send away right away.

Parkour: How old are you btw? Not sure this'll work if you're like, 30 years older than me.

TheMechanic: I'm 17 sunshine, hbu?

TheMechanic: Maybe share general info about us? That you could tell any other possible stranger too.

Parkour: Great! I'm 16 so that works.

Parkour: Peter Parker, Science Nerd at MidtownTech and StarWars Geek.

TheMechanic: Harley Keener, inventor/mechanic. Apprenticeship instead of schooling.


Closing the Twitter app Peter looked back at his lunch tray, which was still untouched. He unexpectedly spend half his lunch period on twitter after his joking idea turned into an actual plan with this guy he just met, Harley Keener apparently.

Today is Pizza day and the conversation was a great distraction from the soggy piece of dough with pepperonis, but as hunger began to hit he was forced to tirn his attention to his lunch. Damn his metabolism.

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