Chapter 2

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Hearing other students pacing down the runway of the train made Sophie think of when she first started Hogwarts, she didn't know anyone and being a muggle born, not many people were willing to talk to her or even offer a seat on the carriage. She hated every moment of sitting alone on her for at train ride until two ginger twins, alongside two other gingers saw that she was alone so they decided to sit with her. These gingers ended up being Fred, George, Percy and Charlie, starting off her journey with the Weasleys.

Her first impression of the twins was that they're mischievous with a high ambitions, she had always known them to strive the dream of opening a joke shop one day. However, she assumed Percy was a stuck up know it all as all he ever had in his hand was a book or some form of reading. Charlie and her connected quiet easily when they first met, both enjoying the thought of taming dragons one day and sharing the same reasons on why creatures shouldn't be used as bait. However, for that entire train journey she couldn't help but admire one particular red head: Fred.

"god you two have the capability of a tea spoon" she looked at the twins "I don't know how you mother deals with you two". Fred laughed slightly before taking a seat down next to her "You enjoy it Granger so why don't you sit back and relax for once, take your mind of things" he mumbled to her. George was busy looking out at the window, spotting his mother, giving a small wave.

They felt the train begin to move, all three of them waved at the Weasleys parents. Before George had the chance to shut the door, a foot prevent it from happening "you didn't think you'd forget me did ya?" a dark haired female spoke, she was already dressed in her robes with her hair parted down the middle. The girl was Rachel Jones, a dear Hufflepuff and friend of Sophie's, behind Rachel was another female, she was Emily Evans, a known Gryffindor who Sophie would see mostly in the common room and had a few classes with Emily had long light brunette hair, tied in a ponytail, she could see Emily was also in her robes.

Rachel sat down next to George, for Emily to sit next to Rachel. Rachel leaned in "sorry I didn't wanna ruin the moment between you two, you look pretty comfy there together" she pointed at their hands, Fred's hand was rested on top of Sophie's. Sophie looked down and saw his hand before pulling hers back "god you're so sneaky, I hate it" she huffed at him. "come on princess, don't pretend you don't love it" he patted her head slightly.

"I heard there's an important announcement at the great hall tonight" Emily informed the others. "whatever it is, it better be worth my patience" George responded. Rachel slapped the back of George's head "for once stop being" she spat at him. George simply growled at her "you're not a dog" she reminded him.

Emily rolled her eyes and looked over at Fred and Sophie "why don't you two just date already? It's been long enough". Sophie furrowed her eyebrows "maybe because I don't like Fred like that, he's just a friend" she smiled back at Emily. Fred smirked to himself "that's not what you were saying last year on the train" he responded to her comment. "you little son of a bit-" she went to say before Izzy butted in "now now Bonnie and Clyde, don't be building the sexual tension whilst there's other people in the area", she giggled to herself.

"well if you don't mind, I'm going to be getting dressed into my robes" Sophie told the others, the twins followed her out of the carriage and into the toilets. Going in separate ones of course. They all returned to the carriage where they waiting for the train to stop, most of them had taken naps to catch up with missing hours of sleep. Rachel and Emily both brought books on the train to get ahead of their subjects.

Once the train had stopped they all stepped off and onto the platform. Hagrid was at the end with a big lamp to guide them to the castle. As they were walking along Sophie could feel someone's fingers swaying against hers, she looked to her side to see George there. "what are you doing?" she questioned his actions. "I'm proving a point to Rachel and Emily" he turned and pointed to Fred who's face was as red, two forehead veins appeared, almost bursting. George soon returned to the girls where they both gave him a galleon.

Fred stormed over to her " I swear if anyone tries anything with you this year I'm simply going to Cruccio them". Sophie let off a small laugh "may I remind you that we aren't together, you can't control me and you can't pester over who I can and can't talk to and I can defend for myself" she told him. His jaw clenched slightly, the same veins emerging on his forehead again.

It was dinner time so the group made there way to the great hall, Rachel, Emily and George were in front with Fred and Sophie trailing behind. "for the last time Fred I'm not gonna help you prank Filch again, not after last time when we all got a weeks detention because you two didn't think out the plan" she huffed at him.

They reached the great hall and she saw something rather odd and suspicious. Sophie saw a goblet at the end of the hall, with blue, green and red flames appearing from above. She had a small pit in her stomach which begun to dig deeper, she didn't like this feeling. 

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