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About halfway through my classes, I started to hear the noise again.


Going to the bathroom, I pulled the medicine bottle from my purse. Turning another pill into my palm. For a moment, I started to hesitate. If I took this most likely I'll be out for the rest of the day. If I don't, then I'd be risking my nightmares getting a foothold. That's too much risk over being drowsy, so I popped the pill into my mouth and swallowed slowly. Before heading to my third class.

"What is your take on brain trauma?"

The professor said to me, it was random for the first day as I lifted my gaze but replied with.

"In what context?"

"That depends on you."

Oh boy.

"It can be as simple as you hitting your head on the doorframe, or as complex as a mugging or earthquake."

"Good counterclaim, at least for your first day."

He said. I decided to take human behavior, see if I could maybe piece together what's happening to me. I never really asked but maybe I did have head trauma when I was younger. My last class was math, but that didn't bother me much. Then I remembered I took a pill.

"Ms. Wilson?"

My snore is very light, but noticeable if you're very close to me. Hearing the professor's voice I hopped up, rubbing the drool off my face.

"Am I boring you?"

She said with a raised eyebrow.

"No Ma'am."

"Although, I do appreciate you took the front seat. Shows your ready to work."

"This won't happen again."

I said as she nodded before continuing her lesson. I made it through my last class then quickly made my way over to my dorm. Then things become harder since I could smell the weed from here. I haven't had any drugs, so I can only expect that my nightmares will be able to run wild with that assistance. Walking past my dorm room, I looked around till I found someone with a door open. It may have been a long shot, but I needed a nap ASAP.

"Excuse me?"

I said as the first black female I've seen came sliding out from behind her door. She already raised an eyebrow, which is understandable, I look like a shallow girl.

"Hi, my name is Amara and I need some help."

"Okay, what do you need?"

She crossed her arms so I assumed she was listening.

"So to say the most, my roommates are smoking weed in my room, and I need a safe place to sleep."

"Hmm, why me?"

"Well for one your door was open, and second it's far away enough for me to schedule a room transfer."

With her small laugh, that eased the air for both of us, she said.

"Look I'll ask my roommate, but if she says no, you'll have to find someone else."

"That's okay."

I said as she went back into her room, tapping her friend. Her friend looked at me with a raised eyebrow too until she heard everything out.

AmaraDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora