"Well, a lot of people have gone homeless in the course of a single night. Luckily no one was injured, but the destruction goes on from here to the next few blocks." Zach walks ahead as the three of us peer around the corner to look down at even more destruction. No one is in the area since they've been taken to the packhouse. 

"Yeah. That's rough. We'll have to get to rebuilding all this soon since the packhouse is big for lots of people, but no one will want to live there long," I look towards Cody to see him texting on his phone. "What's going on C?" 

He looks up and rubs his neck, "Dad just texted. He just got wind of the situation and he's on the way," Aw man. If their dad is coming, then all of ours dads are coming. It's just a common fact since our dads are friends with each other. It's kind of like if one of us gets in trouble, all of them will be alerted.


"We better get all the information we have ready before they get here. Come on Cody, let's measure the perimeter again," Zach heads back to the broken piles of houses, and Cody nods at me before following. Well, my only chance at having information ready is up to what Liam is doing. Behind me, I see Liam and a detective talking to a man. As I walk over, what I hear sounds very serious to me.

"I'm telling you! It was unlike anything I've ever seen! It was as big as my house!" The man wailed on and on about the horrors he saw last night, giving explicit details of the "monster" he saw. The detective was writing everything down, and Liam made sure to listen giving the man his full attention. 

"So the thing you described was something you've never seen before. Is there a chance that what you saw might not have been what you thought? All the details you've given doesn't bring anything to mind," I looked at the man's badge. Detective Miller. Don't know the guy personally, but I think I've heard about him. The problem is I just don't know where I've heard that name from. 

"I know what I saw! That was a wolf, no doubt!" 

Everyone remained silent, but our eyes widened in shock? A wolf? No way, that's impossible. A wolf couldn't have caused all this damage. It's physically impossible! 

"You mean to tell me, a wolf was the size of your house and damaged your house along with the neighborhood?" It was my turn to ask questions. I'm not denying that the man saw something, but it couldn't have been a wolf. The man looked me dead in the eyes, "I'm telling the truth. Ask anyone! They'll tell you the same. My wife and son were terrified when they saw it. We thought for sure it was gonna kill us!" 

Liam nodded at Detective Liam before he spoke, "Alright. We'll be sure to ask around. In the meantime, you're under a lot of stress, so be with your family. We'll take care of the matter," A signal was made and a guard escorted the man to the packhouse. Detective Miller put his notepad away and looked at us both, "Alpha. Beta. I'll be on my way to open up the case, so my crew can start an investigation." 

"Be on your way," When the detective left, it was just me and Liam. 

"Well, this is just getting crazier and crazier. A wolf that was big enough to destroy these homes and decapitate all those rogues. Sounds unreal," I crossed my arms as Liam ran a hand through his locks. "We'll have to verify this somehow." 

I pondered for a moment, "How the hell could something that big pass our security anyway? We should have been alerted last night, not the next morning," Liam looked to me, "Our guards were found dead last night," 

Jaw. Drop. 

"You're fucking kidding. Those were some of our best guards! What happened?!" 

"Just like our rogue friends. Decapitated. I had to inform their families early this morning," 

That would explain the solemn, depressing look on his face. Liam takes being alpha seriously, and right now, he probably thinks he's failed. To tell members of your pack, that you as their alpha, lost their loved ones when you swore to protect them, is horrible. It's not Liam's fault and I know that no one would blame him, but still. I hate to see that's what he's thinking just from the look on his face. God, I can't even imagine how difficult it is to tell families that their loved ones are never coming back. Telling the news is no easier than receiving the news. This is all just fucked up. 

It's silent for a moment before I drop the bomb, "Our dads are on the way," 

"...Fuck," He takes a moment to look around and my eyes follow. This place that's in shambles and filled with the smell of blood in the air, is our home. Someone ruined it. The questions that need answers. Who? What? Why?

"What do you think it could have been?" 

"Whatever the hell it was, it wasn't good, and it's not good now," 


It hurts. All I can feel is pain. Everywhere, all over my body. It's dark. I can't see anything, and yet it's also comforting. At least here I don't have to face the open world and I can have space to myself. I'm tired, and yet I can't go to sleep. My muscles ache to the point where I can't even move. Why am I in this state? Gently, my eyes begin to open, splitting the darkness in half and allowing light to shine through. The light doesn't last long as the sky begins to turn dull. I feel the ground beneath me, dirt reaching into my nails. It's only then I take a good look at my surroundings and see I'm surrounded by nothing but trees.

"Where...am I?" I begin to sit up but my body fights against me. It hurts! So many aches and pains travel through my body to the very core. I look down to see a shocking sight. I have marks all over my body along with several bruises. These aren't the everyday scratch marks you would get from a pissed-off cat, these are claws that were implanted into my arms and legs. These bruises are so bad that some turned blue. Oh, my goddess! What happened to me?!

A sharp pain causes my head to hurt. Images of blood and pain fill my vision. The sounds of ear-shattering screams make the headache hurt worse to the point where my head might split open. 

"Make it stop!" I scream. All I can do is curl into a ball and pray for the madness to end, but I only end up blacking out into the abyss of darkness. Only this time, it didn't bring me comfort.

"There she is! She's here! We found her!" 


I am so sorry for being late! I know it was a long time before I posted, and I truly feel sorry if there were readers who were waiting. So enjoy these chapters in one day. I appreciate everyone for being patient! I didn't forget, please forgive me for my tardiness. 

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