Chapter 76 - The 'Aftercare'

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Why was it glowing?

I smiled at him and turned to my mother, "Mum, this is your necklace, what does it do? I never knew what it did, I was told by Narcissa to wear it, always, so I did, never questioned her or anyone. But then Mione and I discovered that it wasn't just any necklace that it had some sort of magic" I said fiddling with the quartz.

"I even searched for it; in any library I could find. And I found the book as well, but-"

"But the page was torn" she completed me.

"I was the one to do it" she said when we reached the bridge.

"If people found out about this necklace, then they would try and steal it from me or after I died. So, I thought it was only for the best that I would tear the pages of the book and when I would pass it to you, then I would tell you it's magic" she said as we stopped in the middle of the bridge.

"Well, what does it do then?" I asked and she looked at the view.

'The Rose Quartz – also known as the love stone. This stone when enchanted with the right special magic, can help heal a person from any hardship they face, even death itself, only when he/she are truly loved by someone. The kind of love that is too powerful for the world to sustain, too powerful that destroys any kind of hate, too powerful that the souls would only rest in eternity'

"This is what the page said. This necklace would help the owner to come back from the dead, just like you can bring people, but only when you are loved by someone – true and unconditional love" she said smiling at me.

"Then why didn't it work for you when you died?" I asked unclasping the necklace and taking it in my hands.

"Because at that time, I didn't have anyone that loved me unconditionally, I didn't have a soulmate" she replied sadly.

"The one man that I thought was my soulmate, turned out to be a monster" she said fiddling with her fingers.

"Mum, there is no need to feel guilty" I said placing a hand on her hand.

"No one knew that he was gonna turn out this way. Plus, when you realized you took care of me and went away. That says something, mum" I said trying to reassure her that whatever she did was the right thing to do.

"Thank you, sweetheart. Now, do you want to go back?" she asked out of the blue.

"I-I have a choice?" I asked looking at her and then at Cedric.

"Yes, everyone does. Everyone has a choice, no matter what" she said and we headed back into the castle.

"No, not everyone" I said sadly.

"What do you mean?" she asked furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well, when Draco was given a task by Voldemort, he didn't have much of a choice, he just had to do it" I said looking at Cedric.

"Ced, can I ask you something?" I asked looking down.

"Yes, anything, gorgeous" he replied sweetly and put a hand on my back.

"Why didn't you want to come back?" I asked and he stopped walking.

He sighed loudly and said, "Because I never knew if we were gonna win the war, or if there was even a chance for us, so I just didn't want to return to a world where he was in power" he said honestly and I nodded.

"Looks like Draco's love is undeniable, everlasting and unconditional" she said when the necklace started to glow way too much for us to even see it.

"Cedric, dear, take the necklace and clasp it around her neck" she said and Cedric followed.

She held both of my hands and said, "I'm proud to call you my daughter. I'm proud to know that you are there in world to make it a better place for everyone. Now, when you go back, you won't feel all healthy, like you're doing right now, because it's just your soul. When you go back, you'll go back to your tiring body that has been fighting for hours in the war. So, keep the will and hold onto Draco, he's a nice guy" and I smiled.

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