2 ~ Do I know me?

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Harry and Ron had finished out the day's lessons and were back in the common room with all the Gryffindors. Ron hadn't spoken to Harry since this morning but wasn't sure if he wanted to, 'I just don't know what got into me... I don't like Harry in that kinda way... unless I do'. Ron was very confused but didn't want to dwell on it as he could feel his anxiety start to kick in. ' Hey Ron, fancy a game of wizards chess' Harry poked Ron with the chess set, Ron turned his head and his eyes drew gaze to Harry's face. Ron noticed Harry's chiselled jawline, his cute nose, his glistening eyes and his infectious smile. Ron began getting those butterflies back, he quickly shook himself off and concentrated on the moment. 'Sure Harry let's play but don't get mad when I beat you' the pair laughed and walked over to the chairs where they unfolded the game and began playing.

The two were deep in the game when the night warning sounded, Ron grabbed the chess set and shoved it back on the shelf. Harry put the chairs back and the two scurried off to the dorms. Just as they were about to open the heavy dormitory door. They looked into the eyes of each other and it felt like hours had gone by when Seamus opened the door boisterously and cheered, ''Well Lads, have ye finished your chess game!''. ''Ah, yeah Ron won as usual'' whimpered Harry. ''Excuse me, what are you doing out of bed'' yelled the prefect. ''Get to bed now!''

Two hours had passed and Harry was lying awake in the dark, his mind was all over the place. 'Why does Ron keep acting weird ... I hope he didn't know about my boner in the closet ... Oh no, shit he definitely knew ... but what do I do now..... like do I like Ron yes, but he's clearly not into me'. Harry lay in the dark till he eventually fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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