Oh god

15 0 0

So I was walking my dog today. I decided to be discusting when ever someone passes by. I usually don't care what I look like but today I was wearing unicorn shorts might I add they were hand cut to my knees. and knee length socks and slippers.

I wore my awesome angry birds hat but my hair was wrapped around the top cuz I didn't feel like doing my hair.

Anyway I had a grilled cheese sandwich for my dog. So one car passes by. I have 0 people my age around my house. That's I know of. So I feed my dog the sandwich and I take a bite for this car.

My dog decided to run away so I slipped and fell on my butt. I looked and saw that the car had my crush in it.

It was very sad. Don't ever do this ever.

Random thoughts by meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon