Five Years and I'm Still Dealing with this BS

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"Look, I'm just saying that maybe you should give up on him and consider other choices,"

Commented Robin Sage, one of my closest friends.

"Why would I do that now? I've stuck it out this long, I can pull it off, just you wait," I replied

"Aelia I agree with Robin. It just doesn't make sense," Said Ava Crow, "I mean how can Mr
Krabs defeat Larry the Lobster, he's a body builder isn't he?"

"You guys just don't get it. Mr Krabs could totally take on Larry and if he can't then I'll just
execute plan F," I reply. "It's really not that hard to understand and I don't know why you
care; you're not playing the game anyway."

"I don't need to play to be interested and involved, we've been on this train for a while and it can get boring sometimes ok? It doesn't help that I've been on this train at few dozen
times." Said Robin.

"Um says you, the view is great, and I don't think I'll ever get over it," Lizzy added, sketching the landscape quickly as it went by. "I do wish the train would go a bit slower though because my speed sketching is not getting any better."

As Lizzy sighed, Emma scoffed at her friend, "Dude, you have to be kidding me. Your art is
amazing! And don't even get me started on what you can do with a wand and a paint
brush!" She gushed.

Lizzy laughed at her friend and thanked her.

The train that Lizzy was referring to was in fact the famous Hogwarts train, stationed at nine
and three quarters, the one my friends and I have been taking for about five years now to
the great Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As a muggleborn, I don't think I'll
ever get over Hogwarts and everything that comes with it.

At my old school, when I didn't have magic, I loved science, but magic literally puts it to
shame, and all the sport I played when I was younger can't compare to quidditch, after all, I
have been the Hufflepuff seeker for two years now. Sure it can get brutal and dangerous
and it's probably not a sport my mom would want me to play, but she doesn't have to know

A few of my friends are also muggleborns so we bond over silly little things like SpongeBob
and how we should really be using normal equipment for school, instead of quills and pieces of parchment paper, because really its starting to get annoying.

"Oh by the way guys I've figured out the meaning of life," Said Emma, interrupting my inner monologue. "Why don't we use the pieces of parchment in class and for assignments and
homework, but we just write all the notes that we need down in the notebooks and keep
that to study with for the N.E.W.T's?"

"That would be a great idea, except for the fact that we'd probably be doing more work than necessary and the N.E.W.T's are two years away! I still think we should sign a petition,
give it to Headmaster Ukai, and keep pressuring him to let students have a choice." Argued Ava.

"I would be agreeing with that plan too, except not every student is gonna sign up for that,
there are still a lot of prejudiced, pompous, purebloods lurking around, practically asking
for an excuse to annoy us and disagree with our 'muggleborn ways'." Added Robin, quoting
'muggleborn ways'.

"Well how about this," I cut in, "We try the petition first, introducing notebooks to everyone and the pens, in a booth you know, and if they like the idea, we'll ask them and their friends to sign the petition just so we can have a choice. Then if all else fails, we'll go with Emma's plan. Besides, not every pureblood is an asshole, just look at Emma, she's only a slight asshole."

"That's true," Agreed Emma, "I am pretty great."

"I kinda like that plan; I'll start talking to the house leaders right away and see if I can get
permission to set up the booth." Volunteered Lizzy.

"I'll deal with getting enough paper for the petition." Said Ava.

"I'll get the word around, get people hyped and excited for it you know?" Offered Emma.

"And I'll get us some more notebooks and pens for us to use." I finished.

Then some shouting came from the corridor outside the cabin, a shouting that everyone
loves to hear.

"Anything from the trolley?!" Shouted the Trolley witch, "Anything from the trolley?!"

The cart squeaked as it travelled down the corridor and I shot up from my seat, 'I've wanted those lollies since I've gotten on this train.'

I slid open the door and waited for the Trolley witch to reach me. The neighbouring cabin
door slid open and out walked Yamaguchi, a friend of mine from Hufflepuff.

Looking over to me, he smiled and asked, "Hey Aelia, what's up?"

"Not much, except for the fact that I'm finally getting those sweet, delicious, goodies from
that trolley! Its been too long since I've had a chocolate frog." I answer, rubbing my stomach
for exaggerated emphasis.

"Oh please! You had one last week when we went out remember?!" Robin called out, which
was practically a smack to my face.

"Wow. I was going to share what I get, but now no one's getting anything. Everyone blame
Robin for this!"

"Robin I can't believe you've done this!"

"You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?"

I slid the door closed, snickering at the chaos I've caused, to block out the noise of Robin
getting bullied (Don't worry its friendship bullying(She'll be fiiiiinnneee)). I turn back to face the corridor and the Trolley witch is stopping the cart right in front of Yamaguchi and me.

I give her the right amount of coins and take a couple of cauldron pasties and a few
chocolate frogs to share. Yamaguchi also finishes his transaction with the Trolley witch and asks me, "Is your business still open? Because I have a friend who really hates not being able to listen to his music. He kinda needs it to calm down sometimes."

"Yeah, I'm still open for business. Who's the friend?"

"His name is Tsukishima Kei; I'll send him your way when I get the chance. Thanks Aelia!"

"Its no prob Bob!" I say and walk back into my cabin, but when I opened the door Robin
toppled out on top of me, sending me straight to the floor. Shoving her off of me I said
loudly, "Five years and I'm still dealing with this BS!"

Everyone laughed and I sat back down in my seat and shared the few pieces of not squished
chocolate frogs, from the fall, and we all fell back into the conversation we usually have.

But if I'd known then what I'd get myself into, I probably would've never agreed to help out Tsukishima Kei. But I'm glad I did.

Hey guys!! Here's the first chapter for my new Haikyuu au Hogwarts edition!!!(yaaaaay)
But there is bad news, I've started my senior year and that means I actually need to work (booooooo) so updates are probably going to be rare (especially now that I'm doing two stories)
Hope you like the story and understand that I can't update very frequently!
Thanks and seeya next time!!!

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