Everyone started to file out going to eat lunch while we just hung back trying to figure out what to eat for lunch. I'm relaxing in a seat of the auditorium while Mo is still pacing trying to call Charlie, Stella went to get a lemonade and Wen is sitting beside Olivia on the stage.

"Ugh why isn't he answering?! I know he's depressed but he could at least reply to my texts." She put her phone down on the stage and just groaned. "I give up, if he doesn't come who cares!" Olivia went to talk to her to calm her down and Wen said, "What should we eat for lunch?" Mo looked at him, "You're thinking about lunch? Now?" he looked at her, "I'm hungry it's like 12:00" Olivia glared at him and I said, "Let's just order Dante's take out. I'll go call, large cheese pizza right?" They all nodded. I took out my phone and started to dial the phone number. Half a hour later the pizza is here and we all split the amount of money and pay.

We start talking about the most random things like what music they would play at the dance, the girls (Mo and Olivia) started talking about what they wanted to wear. We just kept stuffing our face with pizza and lemonade and Stella kept zoning out for some reason. Mo started accusing Stella of liking a boy but Stella just zipped her mouth not saying anything.


The door banged open and Charlie slowly walked in, he looked like a complete mess he was wearing all black his shoe laces were untied and his hair was oily hanging over his face. He sat down beside Scott and just stayed silent while everyone just stared at him.

Mo decided to break the silence and sat right beside him, "Hey Charlie, are you okay?" She was talking in a very tender voice and he just nodded. "Do you want to practice today? Or do you want to just go home? That's fine." He whispered to that he wanted to stay here and Mo rubbed his back to comfort him.

Olivia got up from beside me and told Mo that they should change into their clothes so when Ms. Reznik and the instructor gets here they won't be angry. Mo nodded and told Charlie not to work hard and just relax for a couple of days. The girls went to change so Scott and I just quickly followed them saying we're going to change too.

A couple minutes later we were all changed sitting silently, it's awkwardly silent considering we didn't expect Charlie to come to practice, we thought he would stay at home for awhile moping alone. The auditorium's back door banged open and Ms. Reznik came in, "Hey you guys, are you ready to dance your little butts off ?" We all sighed and got up and decided to follow Mo who was already stretching. I noticed though, "Hey guys, where's Stella?" Mo stifled a chuckle while Olivia just smiled, "Oh she won't be out for awhile."

A large scream came from the change rooms, "MOHINI BANJAREE what did you do with my clothes?! I'm not wearing this!" Mo sighed and yelled back, "get changed the instructor is getting here soon." Stella growled and came out a few minutes later, I can now see why she was angry out of all the colour she was wearing PINK, "At least give me my shorts back." Mo sighed and rolled her eyes while tossing her shorts which Stella happily caught.

She ran quickly into the change room and came back out still unhappy, "what was wrong with my outfit before?" Mo patted her shoulder which Stella try to bite off like a chew toy but Mo was too quick, "I just saw this really cute pink shirt that I thought would look really good on you, besides what if the instructor is cute." Stella blushed and started to stretch, even though Mo was done she stretched alongside with her whispering in her ear which just made Stella move away from her.

I decided to see how Charlie was doing but before I got over to him the door banged open and ours jaws dropped. Ray walked straight into the auditorium and once he saw us he was ready to run for it but Ms. Reznik came and brought him by the collar, "Oh no you aren't going anywhere. Where is the instructor I asked for?" He just smiled and told her, "He couldn't come today so he sent me as a replacement, but he forgot to mention who I'm teaching!" In an exasperated sort of shy voice he said.

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