What IS Your Quirk? シ

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It was now my second day at UA academy, and I was slouching slightly in my chair, fiddling with the cuffs of my white button up as Mr.Aizawa emerged from his blanket cocoon.

"Right then. Today's training will be different from anything you've experienced in the past. You will have three instructors; myself, All Might, as well as another faculty member."

Many gasps emitted from the room at the enlightenment of today's lesson. Not only would we have multiple pro-hero's with us, but we'd also have the #1 hero there as well. The All Might.

"Sir! What type of training is this?" the boy with black hair and bulky elbows, who I'd learned was named Hanata Sero, asked with the raise of his hand.

"Rescue. Things like disasters, shipwrecks, crashes, anything like that."

The class ooed and awed at this announcement, everyone finding something to be overly excited about it.

"Disasters? Sounds like we're in for it!" Kaminari cheered, pumping his fist and earning an eager nod from Mina.

"Aw yea! Something to separate the boys from the men!" Kirishima exclaimed, looking down at his palms as a wicked grin full of pointy, jagged teeth crossed his face.

"I'll get to show off how good I am in water," Tsu added.

"We'll all get to see your quirk in action too, Y/N!" Midoriya exclaimed, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shuddered slightly at the sudden contact and mention of my quirk. I have one...don't get me wrong, I definitely have one but it's...a little unpredictable. Or, uncontrollable? It's not very safe, basically.

"Yahoo," I sighed sarcastically, allowing my voice to grow quieter as I trailed off.

"I'm not finished yet," Aizawa spoke up, grumpily staring out at the class. "In this exorcise, you'll get to wear your hero costumes. But remember, they're new and may limit your abilities. This will all take place at another facility and we'll take a bus to get there. I expect your best behaviour. Start getting ready."


By the time we were all changed, and made our way outside, the shuttle bus had already arrived.

I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening, as I was busy admiring everyone's costumes.

Iida looked like a human car, with white plates of armour and various exhaust pipes rising from his back. His helmet was sleek and covered his entire face with a mask made of a transparent material.

Tsu's outfit was made of a green, latex suit with beige gloves and a matching belt. She had a large pair of goggles placed on her head, and wore flipper like shoes in a matching green material.

Ururaka had a black, sleek body suit with pink patches, and guards around her wrists and hips. The boots she wore came above her knees, and were made of a thick, non-penetrable material. Her helmet stopped just above her mouth with a pink piece of glass that revealed her round face underneath.

I expected everyones costumes to be equally amazing; and I was right. That was until, I turned too Midoriya.

He wore nothing but the school assigned PE clothes, and a basic pair of white gloves.

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