Did everyone know she was a lesbian? Yes, of course. That first day back to school after the one day in seventh grade, she came in wearing fishnets that had a little floral pattern on them, with a pair of jean shorts, an army jacket with pins all over it with a band tee that she had gotten from her aunt from the ninety's, and her first pair of Doc Martens that she had not separated from since she had got them. The thing that had really put the whole outfit together for her was the  little rainbow pin she had put on the little pocket of the jacket. It was her pride and joy, and she made sure to not care about what everyone thought about it. So yeah, everyone knew by the time she had come back to school that next year. But then during junior year, her pride fell away and had quickly been stolen from her with those similar words that came out of her ex best friends mouth just years ago. Now she didn't want to admit that she was, even though everyone and their mother knew that she was.  

"Attached much?" Damian asked her, taking a sip of his punch. "Oh yeah, you're right. This is definitely spiked. Also, Fetus Plastic walking over here." Damian told Janis, quickly handing her the cup he had taken from her, and then heading off in another direction to a few of the kids Janis had recognized from the drama club.  

"Hey, Janis. Can we talk?" Cady asked, as she walked over to her. Janis didn't say anything to Cady, all she did was hold her pointer up in her face signaling to give her a second as she took the plastic cup and took a sip of it. But that sip ended up being the rest of the drink. She wasn't exactly ready to hear what Cady was going to say but this way she could have a second to take in the moment that was about to happen, not caring how much she hated the taste of the drink she just basically chugged. 

"That drink is absolutely disgusting. What's up?" Janis asked, throwing the plastic cup into the trashcan that was close by, and for her luck, the cup had made it in.  

"Can we talk about... you know?" Cady asked her a little more quietly, getting closer to her. This made Janis' heart race. She wasn't sure if it was in an anxiety way or 'I love you but you love someone else and I don't know how to tell you' kind of way.  

Janis didn't know how to answer. She didn't know if she was ready for Cady to fully apologize to her. She had already apologized in a way during her speech, but it was more to everyone, instead of an individual apology. This was something Janis had wanted and had thought about for weeks, but she didn't think it would happen so soon. She dreamed that Cady would come to her, practically begging for forgiveness and then eventually confess her love to Janis, but seeing that kiss with Aaron only minutes before made her realize that dream had officially become a fantasy.  

She still wasn't sure on how to reply. So, all she said was, "Not here. Not right now." before taking off and going to find Damian. 

Janis sat on the floor of her kitchen with Damian. It was around four A.M., and neither of them could sleep so they decided they would share a container of cookie dough, not caring about salmonella or anything. This was something they had always done, ever since their first sleepover when they were twelve.  

"I can't believe you told her no." Damian snickered, digging his spoon into the container as Janis rested her head on his shoulder.  

"What else was I supposed to say?" Janis groaned, slipping the spoon that she had held in her hand into her mouth.  

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, 'Hey, Cady. I'm in love with you but you screwed me over so maybe let's talk about that!' instead of saying 'not right now'." Damian told her, observing Janis dig into the cookie dough with her spoon. She definitely struggled a little bit, considering the fact that the cookie dough was still half frozen.  

"I'm not in love with her." Janis mumbled, twirling her spoon around in her hands.  

Even saying it out loud sounded stupid. Janis knew she was, and so did Damian. She wasn't fooling anybody except for maybe Cady herself, but that was only because Cady was too busy being infatuated with Aaron to even notice Janis.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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