Authors Note: PLEASE READ

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Okay. So I hate to say that I'm having a bit of a writers block. It sucks but I'm trying to insert new characters and its driving me nuts. Plus, I'm easily distracted by the dumbest of things.

I do want to say a giant THANK YOU to people who have voted for my story. I know a lot of things are confusing. But if anyone has any questions I will be happy to answer them. Plus, without any feedback, its hard to know who to keep, who needs more scenes, the good stuff. So I implore you to please please please please give me feedback if you're reading this. Comments, be they long or short, would be a tremendous help.

This wasn't easy for me to do and I'm thinking about pulling it. So, please. Help me. Help me figure out who to keep and such.

Thank you.

XOXO, D.(:

Alpha OmegaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon