The six of us walked back to the castle from the stadium and hung out in the common room before dinner. I sat on the couch with Theo next to me and Alex on the other side of him. I had my legs curled up on the couch and rested my arm on the armrest. Sitting right across from me was Draco, shooting me looks from across the coffee table while everyone was chatting amongst themselves. What's his fucking problem?

    "I see you're still wearing my stuff", Theo leaned over and whispered to me.

    "Yeah... I didn't have anything else to wear. All of my quidditch hoodie and sweatshirts have your name on it. If it makes you uncomfortable, I can take it off", I said grabbing the hem of my sweatshirt.

    "No, no", he said taking my hands away from my sweatshirt. "You don't have to take it off. It's fine"

    "So... you and Draco are good again?"

    "We had a long talk out by the lake yesterday and talked everything out. He's my best friend, I can't stay mad at him forever"

    "I'm glad we can put this all behind us now"

    "Me too", he said grabbing my hand and gave me a soft smile. I slipped my hand away from his and placed it in my lap. "I'm sorry. Force of habit"

    "It's fine, I get it"

    "You guys up for a trip to Hogsmeade?", Alex asked Theo and I. "I could really go for some butterbeer right now"

    "With a few shots of firewhisky, especially after such a close lost", Blaise added. "I'd like to forget that I missed a few goals with Weasley guarding the hoops"

    "Sounds good", I said getting up from the couch. "Last one to the door has to pay". Everyone got up from the couches and we all sprinted to the door. The first to get to the door was Blaise, then Theo, Draco, Alex, and me, making Stass the last one to get there.

    "I hate it when you guys do this", Stass pouted. "I've been paying for your butterbeers since third year. You all are lucky daddy sends me my allowance every week"

    "Run faster then, Perez", Blaise laughed.

    "I don't run, Zabini", she scoffed.

    "Well then quiet complaining and let's go get day drunk", he said putting his hand on her back and leading her out the door.

    The six of us walked to Hogsmeade together, just like old times. The boys walking in front of Stass and I, shoving each other around and laughing, Stass and I holding hands, skipping on our way to Three Broomsticks. We have this tradition of going to Three Broomsticks for butterbeer and then Honeydukes right after for candy after every quidditch match. When the boys loose a match, we get shots of firewhisky in our butterbeers.

    When we got to the Three Broomsticks Inn, we walked to the back of the pub and sat in one of the booths by the fireplace. The pub was swarming with Gryffindors celebrating their win over Slytherin. In a room full of scarlet and gold, the six of us were the only ones in contrast, wearing green and silver. Madam Rosmerta took our orders, six butterbeers with three shots of firewhisky, light on the butter and heavy on the beer.

    "I heard a scout from Ilvermorny came to see Potter play today", Blaise said swirling his mug full of butterbeer around. "Do you think the scout was watching us too?"

    "If anything, he was watching Draco too since he was chasing Potter around on his broom", said Alex.

    "Don't remind me", Draco said looking into his mug. "I was so fucking close to, if my broom was faster, I could've caught the snitch. Dumbass Potter and his fucking Firebolt"

    "Is the scout going to watch your other games?", I asked. "You guys still have Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff to play"

    "Ilvermorny is the best University for quidditch. The only way were getting into the school is if we get on the quidditch team. Our grades aren't enough", said Theo.

    "Speak for yourself", Draco muttered.

    "Not all of us are geniuses like you and Stella. If I don't get into Ilvermorny, my parents are going to kill me"

    "Same here", Blaise said raising his hand.

    "Daddy is probably going to buy them a new building to get me in", Stass said shrugging her shoulders. "I don't really care if I go to uni or not. I rather be shopping"

    "If you go to Ilvermorny with us, you and I can go shopping in Manhattan on the weekends", I said to her.

    "On second thought, I think I am going to Ilvermorny", she said taking a sip of her butterbeer. "We can hit up the 'three B's'", she giggled.

    "The 'three B's'?", asked Blaise.

    "Barney's, Bergdorf's, and Bendel's", Theo replied, making all the boys look at him with questionable looks. "What? I dated Stella for eight years remember?"

    "Nice to know that you were listening to me all these years", I teased.

    "Point is, we're all going to Ilvermorny, we have to"

    "Aw, are you going to miss us too much if we're separated, Nott", Blaise teased.

    "It's all apart of the plan. We graduate from Hogwarts, go to Ilvermorny for uni, and then win the Quidditch University Cup"

    "It's going to be okay, Theo", I said placing my hand on top of his. "Everything is going to fall into place. If you focus to hard on the future, you're going to miss out on everything right in front of you, that's what I did..."

    In our relationship.

    "Yeah", he sighed. "You're right. I'm thinking about this way too much"

    I know that Theo is a little stressed out about getting into Ilvermorny because that's our parent's alma mater. The plan since we were little was to go to Hogwarts, be top of the class, become prefects, get into Slug Club, and then attend Ilvermorny. Our parents don't even care about us actually graduating from Ilvermorny with a degree, it's more of a society thing. If the children of the well respected Pureblood families attend a prestigious university, it looks good for them. Everyone in my friend group has our inheritance to fall back on so it doesn't even matter if we go to school to become something high ranked like Ministry officials, they just want us to have the Ilvermorny name under our belt.

*author's note*

So canonically, Ilvermorny is the Hogwarts equivalent in America but I decided to make it a college for witchcraft and wizardry because it doesn't make sense to me that everyone can get at a job at the ministry right out of "high school". There are other colleges for witchcraft and wizardry but Ilvermorny is the "ivy league" of them. Ilvermorny is still set in America and in Massachusetts, it just for higher education.

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