Epic Highs and Lows Of Posting An Engagement Photo

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I woke up first, I looked over at Beaker and smiled at the face of my sleeping fiance. "Meep." Beaker said quietly as he woke up. "Good morning to you too Beakie." I kissed the other muppet gently before pulling away, and getting up to get ready for the day ahead.

"So Beakie I was thinking, I know how much you want to tell our coworkers about us."
"Yeah, so I thought maybe we could do it really casually, not make a big deal out of it."
"Meep meep."
"I was thinking maybe we could post an engagement photo on instagram. It would be cute and everyone would know we're together and that it's serious."
"Meep! Meep meep!"
"I thought you'd like that idea babe."

After we got dressed and ready for work I pulled out my phone. We took a selfie of us together, Beaker holding out his hand showing off his ring, my hand around his waist as I kissed him on the cheek. It was such a good photo, Beaker even made it his new phone background. We posted it to both of our instagrams.

Everyone was so supportive, after only a few minutes most of our work friends commented their congratulations. Everyone was so nice about it. Some of our fans even commented some really nice things. It was so nice to be met with such overwhelming support.

When we got into work everyone other than Miss Piggy was there, clapping and cheering in support. They congratulated and hugged us, saying how proud and happy everyone was. Kermit had even bought a small cake on his way to work. It was a small surprise engagement party. Beaker started crying happy tears and I couldn't blame him, I was also starting to tear up.  We had been keeping it secret for years but now we could finally be open.

Miss Piggy stepped into the room and everyone went silent. "Beaker! Honeydew! Meet me in my office!"
"Meep Meep!"
"It's going to be okay beakie-poo." I said holding his hand.
We walked inside her office terrified of what she was going to say.
"You're fired."
"You're fired! What are you deaf or something?"
"Yeah he's right why? You can't just fire us without a reason."
"Your behavior is inappropriate. I don't mind if you want to have this lifestyle but you can't shove it in everybody's faces and not expect consequences."
"Meep?! Meep!" Beaker was outraged.
"Well we have families watching us and I don't think this is appropriate for kids."

Beaker and I left defeated, I was still in shock that I lost my job all because I posted an engagement photo. Kermit walked up to us sensing that something bad just happened.
"What happened?"
"We're fired."
"WHAT?! I'm going to give that pig a piece of my mind!" Kermit quickly ran into Miss Piggy's office and screaming was all that could be heard.

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