"Ally you're such a badass did you see Remus' face! Looked like he just wanted to fling you over his shoulder and have his way with you!"

"Toby please, I'm furious right now and I'm actually awfully embarrassed that I behaved like that!"

"Nah don't worry my sweet, he needed to be told." Toby said wrapping his arm around her

They arrived at Perseus classroom and walked in when he called for them to enter. She huffed and handed him the note and sat down on the front desk. Perseus looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Alcyone, did you call your classmates arseholes?" He asked

"Yes," she sighed

"You called Severus Snape, Snivellus, called him a dick, and told him he was cruel?" He asked again

"Yep," she groaned into Toby's shoulder

"You cast a spell on him to silence him?"

Ally nodded and covered her eyes to wait for the row Perseus was about to unleash on her but to her surprise he held out three galleons. She raised her eyebrows and accepted them but gave him a questioning look.

"Cece when you were younger, I mean about five or six we had a bet on when you'd show your slytherin traits. Your determination to prove your peer wrong means that you've shown your trait, in sixth year like you predicted," he explained "have a biscuit my dear,"

Ally looked at Toby who looked equally confused but they both took a biscuit anyway and sat in silence as Perseus continued to mark the papers in eery silence until Wolf popped out the fireplace with a thud.

"Cece I'm so proud! I never thought I'd see the day! So tell me what brought out your inner snake?" He asked wrapping his arms tightly around ally

"It was just me calling a classmate out, it's not that big of a deal Wolfy,"

"Well tell me all about it! It's not every day the Hufflepuff goes bad so I need details love,"

"Mr Montague it was amazing! She totally was so cool, she called out everyone for being prejudiced against werewolves honestly thought Remus lupin—"

"Do I need to do the same thing to you that I did to Snape?" She quickly said cutting Toby off  "what are you doing here anyway Wolfy? Is it Jasmine and the baby?" Ally asked changing the subject

"She's well, she had a check up this morning, I told Perseus I'd come tell him the news that she is having a boy." Wolf said with a small smile

Ally was elated. She knew it would be a boy! She just had a gut feeling, she knew Wolf would be the best dad to a boy. Ally thought he would have been an amazing girl dad but for his first child a boy was perfect, he was always good with the younger two brothers growing up and Ally just knew he knew boys better than girls. She couldn't wait for someone to have a daughter in the family tough, that excited her.

"Well brother, a boy is to be celebrated, family is power after all," Perseus smirked grabbing a fire whisky from the drawer

"Congratulations Wolfy, I knew it would be a boy. Are we allowed in on this fire whisky round or?" Ally asked and Perseus nodded levitating some glasses over to them

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