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(This one is short)

Hinata and yachi were the only ones in the gym arguing, or so they thought.

"Maybe I'll just find someone else! Like I always do!" Hinata shouted

"No shoyo! You can't just end up hooking up with random girls!" She shouted back.

"Why? I always do it! I told you before not to catch feelings yachi! I'm not the one to solve your fucking problems! I don't need fucking fixing!" Shoyo shouted getting even angrier than before.

"Are they hooking up? Who knew our sunshine wasn't innocent?" Daichi whispered to the team who was listening in to their conversation.

"Your drinking again too shoyo! You are underage and shouldn't be drinking!" She shouted back.

"Yeah shit I lied to your face like I always do, said I'll change we both know that I wont yachi! I always do this shit and you knew this! We've known each other since middle school. So I don't know why you're acting so surprised! I am fucked up yachi and you knew this. Its your own fault for getting with me. I told you to stay away! But did you listen no! No you didn't!" Shoyo argued back.

"So he was always like this?" Sugawara asked shocked

"So the innocent was just an act?" Kageyama asked confused.

"No, I think we just assumed he was innocent. That's our fault for assuming." Tsukishima said knowingly.

"Yeah tsukki's right!" Yamaguchi said in agreement.

"Well I'm sorry! Please don't leave!" Yachi pleaded with shoyo.

"No Yachi, I'm leaving you. It's time I found someone new, like I always do." Shoyo said rolling his eyes and walking out the back gym doors. While leaving Yachi a crying mess.

"Who knew he was so cold." Tsukishima said in shock.

"Maybe his home life isn't good and that's why he acts like that?" Sugawara asked sadly.

"We should ask him but for right now lets go home." Daichi said as they left the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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