Military training was a hell that he thrived in. Not better than Mikasa did. That girl was a natural in everything she did and, although he found himself feeling envious sometimes, she was one person he wouldn't need to protect too much.

The struggle that he had only cemented his goals and taught him to work harder toward them. Even with his own blood flowing into his eyes and turning his vision red. He could see. He was used to having to see through the red of rage, blood was nothing.

Something in him screamed to keep moving forward. So he did. Even when he couldn't exactly see what he was moving toward. He liked to think most of the 104th admired him for that.

He graduated top ten. Number 5 and beat Jean Kristchen, number 6, like he always did. That night he allowed himself to let loose and fall victim to the joyous atmosphere. Then he had to tear those cowards around him a new one and step outside.

He had a bone to pick with the colossal titan. He shook off the mind numbing fear that threatened to seize his muscles and instead seized his blades. Channeling his rage wasn't hard, he always had the potential to be angry anyway.

He lived with mild irritation as his default emotion nowadays. His blood pumped at the thought of obliterating this big, red, piece of shit.

He missed. He wasn't human anymore. (He didn't care.)

He loved the thrill of killing titans. (He hadn't killed one yet.) This was the real deal but to him, it was a game. (He began to hate the man he was becoming.)

The titan that bit through his leg didn't miss. He didn't see himself as human but he seemed to forget he was as mortal as the rest of them.

But yet, he couldn't help himself from ripping Armin-his first real friend-out of a titan's mouth. His body just moved, somehow fast enough with a missing leg. Maybe he wasn't human but that didn't mean he couldn't care about them.

And care he did. For Armin, Mikasa, and someone he couldn't quite recall, he would tear into the world with his teeth till nothing that could hurt them lived.

Kneeling in slippery titan spit and staring deeply into teary petrified blue eyes, he was no where near content. He promised Armin he would be back and he meant it. Sinking in a pool of steaming hot blood, deep in a titan's stomach, missing limb reaching for the sky, he found himself unbearably angry. Eradicate.

He did. He would continue to do so. He had a target and it was abundantly clear. Nape. Nape! NAPE! NAPE.

And when he woke up, he found himself the same monster he was trying so hard to kill. He wondered if Jean was right all along. This would actually make him suicidal.

"Are you human or titan?!"

Heh. Why couldn't he be both? Why couldn't he be neither? But maybe, he was more human than he thought because it was well within human nature to lie to survive.

"I'm Human!"

Not too surprising that there was cannon fire after that. He would later smile at the thought. That was just an overkill.

"Protect Mikasa and Armin!" Yes, that was all he wanted to do. Like lightning, the command traveled through his brain firing his instincts then there was actual lightning and steam. A cage made of his own ribs protecting them from harm.

Mr. Kruger Where stories live. Discover now