Ch.16 - Encounter

Start from the beginning

Senshi hummed in acknowledgement, weaving her way through people in the street; following Miruko. Where they were going was something only Miruko knew, and something Senshi could think about.

They had made it to a less crowded part of town, not so many people and vehicles. Miruko entered a tall building, one that could be compared to a sky scraper. The air conditioning was on full blast, and cool blanket that seemed to fall upon Senshi as she entered was something very much appreciated. 

"This is my apartment, we'll change here and stuff and then we can get going on to patrol, sound good?" Miruko explained, it might sound shady just to walk into someone's apartment, but Senshi trusted the woman.

"Yep." Senshi replied as she followed Miruko into the building further.

Miruko's apartment was extremely modern, and more of a penthouse than an apartment. It did make sense though, being so high up in the hero rankings must pay well. Miruko pointed Senshi to a bathroom to change, Senshi doing just that. Her hero costume fit just as well, and Senshi tied her hair up.

"Oh by the way, if you're comfortable with it, you'll be staying here." Miruko suggested, Senshi agreeing, insisting that it was fine. "I like your costume by the way." Miruko added, Senshi thanking her as the two walked out of the building and began to patrol.


The two got quite a lot of attention walking down the streets, Miruko and Senshi encountering quite a few fans. It was something Senshi was going to have to get used to, this was what she was signing up for in a way. Being social was something a hero had to be, and not be too shy. But it was easier said than done.

"Ya know, you need to be more confident!" Miruko encouraged.

"I swear I do try." Senshi breathed out a laugh.

"That's what they all say, anyways what's your hero name?"

"Uh, Power Field." 

"I like it!"

That was how most of their conversations went, not much fighting was done, there being not many crimes to stop. Cities such as Shibuya were usually high crime areas, the city being densely populated. So when a bank robbery occurred, it was no surprise.

"GET HIM!" A bank employee cried out, the robbery itself was still on going, though one man had managed to escape.

Miruko was on the escapee, pinning him to the floor in a moment's notice. The police were already there, and quickly apprehended the man. 

"Come on Power Field, lets go!" Miruko called out, running into the building.

Senshi hurried in after the pro as they both began to apprehend the thieves, Miruko doing most of the fighting as Senshi wasn't allowed. Keeping the thieves in domes was Senshi's choice, and hearing them chew her out for her sheer existence was quite amusing.

The police came in, once again ready to apprehend the thieves. Senshi knew that her dad specialised in Tokyo mostly, and would take either a train or a helicopter, so when he showed up as a detective for the robbery, Senshi was shocked.

Detectives weren't usually involved in petty crimes such as these, yet this group had been on the run for a while, and their motives were unknown. So that was why he was here, and Tantei, Senshi's father, had to admit, seeing his daughter pinning the group leader to the floor was amusing.

He was the only one Senshi had to restrain, his quirk being able to pierce through anything, and therefore Senshi's force fields. "We can take 'em now kid." One of the police officers said. Senshi looked up, seeing not only her father, but other police officers who promptly arrested the man.

For the other thieves, Senshi was able to step into her force fields and attack handcuffs while they were still in the dome, and then pull them out. Not a minute later, Miruko emerged from the vault area with the unconscious people on her shoulders; both in balaclavas and full black.

"Nice one Power Field, I got these two down in the vault.-" Miruko began,  handing the two unconscious men over to the police "- Hi detective."

"Hello Miruko, I'd just like to thank you and your intern for helping us capture these villains, we've been after them for a while." Tantei thanked.

"Ah it's no problem chief, how'd you know she's my intern?" Miruko questioned.

"Well, you see, my daughter here was having quite the problem deciding who to intern with, so I helped out."

"You're related? How didn't I notice?! Anyways we've gotta hop off now, see ya!" Miruko said, as she and Senshi walked out; Tantei tipping his hat to the two. The two women continued their patrol around the city, not one crime happened after that; at least for that day.

Though Miruko had helped Senshi come out of her shell around her and talk, they both ended up learning quite a lot about one and other on their first day of patrol.


After the patrol that first day, Senshi learnt one of two things, the first one being: Miruko is very fast paced at everything, second, civilians will bask in the ability to see a pro hero; even more so the intern. Basically, as the two finished yesterday's patrol around the centre of Shibuya, there were many fans and just general people who seemed to need attention.

It mainly consisted of Senshi awkwardly laughing while Miruko handled the press and fans.

The second day was what Senshi described as hell; it was a training day. Considering that's what Senshi came there for, she was getting what she was asking for. But being worked to the bone was something she was not a fan of.

Senshi and Miruko were in the apartment building's gym, and Miruko had taken the role of being Senshi's personal trainer very seriously. Miruko was slightly impressed with Senshi's athleticism, but in all honesty, it was nothing compared to hers. So Miruko was going to change that.

There were a few thing Miruko wanted to help Senshi with by the time the week was over: confidence and strength. And seeing as the rabbit woman is heavily self motivated, that was going to be no problem.

The gym was devoid of people except for Senshi and Miruko, and that was an advantage for the two. Senshi had built up quite the layer of sweat, her skin glistening in the fluorescent lights. Miruko was seding her words of encouragement as Senshi.

"Ya know girlie, you're stronger than I thought you'd be, so I'll let you have a quick break." Miruko said, as Senshi guzzled down more water. Senshi had always liked Miruko as a pro, she didn't care what the press had to say (in a respectful way), and always got her job done.

Senshi somewhat admired Miruko for not caring about others' opinions, mostly because it was something Senshi struggled with. But not only that, Miruko's quirk was one that generally enhanced her abilities, that meant that the work she put in was evident; and it showed people that being a hero was something a person needs a lot of training for.

I mean, people are literally places their lives in strangers hands, those strangers having the whole responsibility for keeping a whole country in order. No wonder heroes were so popular. Thinking about it, Senshi wasn't being a hero because she wanted the popularity, she was doing it because she wanted to save people; maybe not only from physical problems, but maybe mental ones too.


"Yes, master, I think those two would be good additions to our cause. Think about it, she has a great defence, and he has a great offence."

"You're forgetting one thing though, that boy clearly shows violence and already has been treated villainously. The girl on the other hand isn't nearly as violent, though she does show determination, and determination breeds violence."

"You're right master, I must succeed. We shall have converted them by summer, I'm sure of it."

"Take your time, perfection is key here."

"I won't fail you."

"I would never expect anything less."

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