1. Flashback time

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"LILLY-ANNE ROSS GET THE HELL UP BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF!" Oh just great, that was my first thought as I woke up this morning, or afternoon you can never tell in hell. I get up and get dressed, clothed, put make up on and walk out my door but just as I walk out I bump into a big ass person, oh I wonder who this can be. I look up to see my pissed-off-as-ever dad looking down at me with such fiery eyes that I almost shit my self on the spot. "well hello, father" I say in the most disgusted tone I can muster. "well hello to you too, chipmunk" he fires back at that moment I have never felt so proud of anyone in my life, my sass must finally be rubbing on him. I then pretend to wipe a fake tear from my eye "oh Joshua I am so very proud of you" we then both burst out laughing.

My dad and I always got on well ever since my mother had to leave us to go back to where she belonged, heaven. you see my mum was an angel and my father was a demon. They met one day when they were both on earth looking for something-I can't really remember what it was-but they accidentally bumped into each other and well as cliche as it sounds it was like love at first sight. they looked into each others eyes and instantly connected they then started to chat and a year later BAM mum was pregnant with my older brother, Jack. now your probably thinking 'how in the hell is that possible I thought you just died and went to hell, didn't think you could have children there' Well my mortal friends as some of you may or may not know you can either die and be brought into heaven or hell and get transformed into a angel or a demon or you can be born into the place, but that's not all if you are born into whatever place -for example I was born in hell- you would be born a demon or angel, but in my case I was born both. Unlike my older brother and sister who were born of one -jack a demon and Octavia a angel- I was both angel and demon (and yes as stupid as it sounds I am the first of it's kind, I think) the only thing is that nobody knows, well except from my mum and dad but mum was the first to discover it then she told my dad but we all swore to secrecy because people that are different, are killed.

It's pretty funny actually because the first time I found out I was part angel, part demon was when I was on a primary school field trip to, yup you guessed it, heaven. My class where studying angel powers because we had to learn all the basics about heaven, hell and earth. my class had just finishing our topic about heaven when we got taken up there and me of course being the quiet one I stood at the corner of the room where I was not able to be seen and when one of the angels were showing us how they used there powers I was at the back seeing how they do it and trying it for myself when I sprouted wings that were half black and half white, the only one that saw was thankfully my mum because she heard my startled cry when seeing them, I can't remember that day just like it was yesterday. Yup that's right it's flashback time.


"Aghh" I scream out, why in the hell are my wings so different. I look I to see mum staring at me wide-eyed "Lilly..." she whispered looking at me up and down in disbelief, "mum what's going on" I start to cry because I can feel this sharp pain going through my body. Mum looks over at me and here eyes go twice as wide as they were before hand "ok Lilly baby I need you to keep quiet, I'm going to take you to my place up here ok?" She looks at me and gestures at me to come over but I can't the pain is getting too much for me to handle. Mum notices my pain and cradles me in her arms "ok baby I'm going to have to carry you, ok I'm just going to cover you with my wings" my this time she's flying off to a semi- large dome, she takes me inside and drops me onto a blue sofa, she then turns round to me and looks at me directly in the eye, " ok sweetie I'm just going to call you father I'll be right back" she then walks out of the room and into another. I look about and see that this place looks very nice there is a chandelier hanging off the sliver-painted ceiling and the carpet is a light fluffy pink I stand up and walk to the mirror on the opposite side of the room, there's still a pain going through my body but it's not as bad anymore. I walk up to the mirror and look at my self in the mirror, " Oh my goodness" I gasp whilst looking in the mirror, my deep green eyes have changed to blue and and darker shade of green, my hair stayed it's natural blonde colour but now with black roots, my skin is glowing and my wings... oh my gosh my wings they are black at the top, turning white towards the bottom, I stare at them for a bit longer mentally asking myself what happened to my black wings. I start to imagine them, my beautiful black wings that I'd always fly around the house with but suddenly my wings turn from there black and white colour to fully black again, startled yet again I scream. "Lilly are you ok, did you hurt yourself?" Mum rushes into the room and gasps "what happened to your wings dear?" she asks in barely a whisper, I turn round to face her and say "I don't know, one minute I'm looking in the mirror thinking about my black wings that I used to have and the next my wings turn black!" I say suddenly feeling panicked "what's going on with me mummy?!" I start to cry and soon after mum engulfs my in a hug "I don't know sweetie, how about you try this think about how you would look with white wings and try focusing on that, do you think you can do that?" She says in the soft tone that she usually uses when I'm scared, "umm... ok" I close my eyes and start to think about me having the most beautiful white wings you could imagine and when I open one of my eyes I see mum staring at my wings in awe, I look round into the mirror to see me with the beautiful white wings I was thinking about. I start to then feel like a heavy weight is pulling me down and I collapse from this feeling but luckily mum catches me and lays me down on the couch "ok honey I think you should rest for now I'll wake you up when your father gets here" I look up at her to see her eyes filled with worry and fear but soon enough I'm pulled into a deep sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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