"Ryliee, this is my best friend's son, Julez. Julez, this is Ry." Bey started.

"I know who he is." Ry smiled. "We met a little bit at the concert." She said making Julez blush at the memory of the first time he saw her.

"Y'all got food here?" Zay blurted out.

"Yes. There's an all you can eat buffet in the backyard." Bey laughed as she pointed to the huge glass door that led outside.

Zay and Dani looked at each other for a second before racing each other in the direction Bey was pointing to.

"Fatasses" Ry thought to herself.

"I love your outfit" Bey said looking Ry up and down before grabbing her hand. "Follow me, I have some people for you to meet."

Bey led Ry outside where she saw people dancing, eating, talking, and laughing.

"Blue! Rumi! Sir! Come here real quick!" Bey called out.

When three gorgeous little people came running to their mom, Ryliee busted out into cuteness overload.

"Aww! Oh my goodness! Hi, my name is Ryliee!" Ry said bending down a tiny bit so that she was face to face with them

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"Aww! Oh my goodness! Hi, my name is Ryliee!" Ry said bending down a tiny bit so that she was face to face with them.

"Hi Ryliee!" Blue started. "My name is Blue and this is my sister Rumi, and this is my brother Sir. they're twins."

"Ooh I like your outfit RyRy! Can I call you that?" Rumi asked.

"Just as long as I can call you RuRu" Ry responded before Sir came up and gave her a hug.

"Hi little buddy! How old are you?" Ry said hugging him back.

"I'm this many" he said holding up 4 fingers and then turning to his mother. "I like her mommy"

"Me too baby" Bey laughed.

"Mommy can I show her my dollies?" Blue asked poking her lip out.

"Maybe later. Now y'all go over there with grandma." Bey said sounding country as hell.

"They are so adorable." Ryliee said once the kids ran back to their grandma.

"I know but they are such little handfuls. They're so comfortable with you though which is weird because they usually aren't like that with a lot of people. Especially Rumi. But never mind that. Come here I have one more person that I want you to meet." Bey said grabbing Ryliee's hand again and walking to the outside bar.

"Jay!" Bey called out startling him a bit. "This is Ryliee. The one I was telling you about last night."

"Hi Mr. Carter" Ry said pinching her wrist, stopping when she saw Bey looking at her confused. "I love your watch!"

"You can call me Jay, and this old thing? It's nothing." Jay greeted.

Ry gently grabbed his wrist, twisting it examining the watch. "I'm sorry. I just haven't seen any watch like this. It's truly beautiful..oh my God. Are those letters??? What does it say?"

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