Uh oh...

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The next day after me and Bella woke up I had a strange feeling I was being watched so did Bella, we searched around the whole room and didn't find anyone then we looked out the window and I saw a black figure but as soon as I looked it was gone I was very confused and didn't know what to do but I brushed it off and got ready for classes today Bella was gonna go to a death eater meeting so I let her go I gave her a kiss on the forehead she smirked at me then left.

During classes I started to feel really sick so I had to dismiss class and I started to walk to the hospital wing but before I got there I had fainted on the floor, I was around a lot of people so some of them had picked me up and took me to the hospital wing.

I woke up a few hours later, classes were over and it was night time I got up but was pushed back against a dark figure it came closer and to my relief it was Bellatrix, "are you alright dear?"
"Yes I'm alright...wait how did you know I was here?"
"I heard someone talking about it during the day so I quickly ran over here to see you past out on the bed".
I was very happy to see her, she sat down next to me and started to put her fingers through my hair which felt really good causing me to fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to see bellatrix gone I got up and started to walk back to my dorm so I could get dressed and go to class, I get back to my dorm to find Bella laying down on my bed sleeping so I tried to be very quiet, I got my clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed and do all my other stuff, I get ready and Bella is still sleeping so I wrote a note and left it on the desk right besides my bed and left.

After hours classes are over and now the break has begun, we get a week off because it's almost the end of the year so we get 1 week off of school but then I get this crazy idea...

Hey everyone I didn't really like how my story was going to I am going to be changing it up.

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