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Ever just stop to think for a moment about how much the present means to you?

Just to adore and appreciate the presence of the people around you? Have you ever caught yourself recalling the moments you had with one specific person?

Suna and Osamu have; so many times that they lost count.

If only Suna knew how much time he had left with Osamu, then he would've tried harder to create as many memories as he could.

But he can't turn back the clock, can't control life, or fix the past.

Instead, he sits and remembers Osamu every day.

Suna checked his attire completely to make sure it wasn't wrinkled or not formal. He had to look professional and clean for his graduation ceremony. Today was a big day and people were going to take pictures of them; he couldn't risk looking bad in front of the cameras. Especially since his face was known all over the world.

"Time to go," he said to himself before leaving his home to receive his diploma.

Osamu helped Atsumu, his biological twin brother, into his suit since he already finished with his own.

"Is Sakusa coming?" Osamu asked Atsumu, who was watching him fix his collar.

"Omi said he might," Atsumu replied in a tedious tone.

Atsumu wasn't excited for his big day like Osamu, he was planning on joining the MSBY Black Jackals volleyball team, but he wasn't enjoying the feeling of graduating since the thought of his high school boyfriend not making it made him not look forward to the day.

"Cheer up," Osamu said as he smoothed out Atsumu's suit, and stepped back to check one last time. "He might make it. Don't doubt him. You know Sakusa is working on his moving situation, and tries to make time for everything else."

"I know." Atsumu groaned as he grabbed his phone. "But I really want Omi to watch me graduate."

"Tell you what," Osamu checks his hair in the mirror, "if Sakusa decides not to come, I'll beat his ass, how does that sound?"

"No hitting Omi."

Osamu rolled his eyes and smiled. "Sure but no promises if I see a single tear drop from your eye."

"Okay, Osamu."

The two leave their home for the graduation ceremony, their mom drove them with a huge sign in the passenger seat that read 'Congrats, Miya Twins'. There were pictures glued to it of them when they were both babies and toddlers.

Everyone was going to see that sign. And, as embarrassing as it was, they bit back a groan to complain about it. They didn't want to upset their mother who had worked hard on it for this day.

It was still embarrassing to have your baby pictures shown to hundreds of people, including the newscaster who was going live.

"The world won't live this down." They both thought. "I'll just pretend I don't see it."

It was a warm March, and the trees were about to blossom with cherry blossoms.

Inarizaki High School was filled with graduates, teachers, families, etc. The graduation ceremony was about to begin and everyone was excited.

Suna arrived with a neutral expression on his face. Everyone greeted him and congratulated him.

Then the Miya Twins soon arrived and met up with Suna. All three of them had a small talk before they had to go get lined up in alphabetical order. They stood firm and waited for their homeroom teacher to lead them to their seats.

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