the protection spell

Start from the beginning

"...Stop crying."

Y/n sat up so fast in her bed that she nearly gave herself whiplash, recognizing the raspy voice that spoke on the other line.

"...Open your window."

Without a moments hesitation, y/n tumbled out of her bed, shaking her blankets off her ankles that tangled her feet. Still on the phone with him, she quickly opened her window to see Bakugo leaning outside of his room, his face blank.

Y/n's mouth fell open, her eyes starting to sting with tears. "...Bakugo..."

"...You look like a hot mess." He whispered through the phone, her eyes puffy and her clothes wrinkled.

"...I know..."

"...You texted me over 100 times last night."

"...I know..."

"...Come over..."

Y/n rang the Bakugo residence, Mitsuki opening the front door

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Y/n rang the Bakugo residence, Mitsuki opening the front door. Y/n quickly bowed. "H-Hi Ms.-"

"He's waiting for you in his room."

Y/n straightened from her bow, looking up to see Mitsuki step out of the way for her to enter their home.

"T-Thank you!" Y/n jogged inside, pulling her shoes off by the heels using her toes and running upstairs. Arriving to his room, she quickly opened his door to see him sitting at the edge of his bed.

He looked upset, his elbows pressed into his knees and his face buried into his palms. Y/n had expected him to be standing up with open arms for her to jump into, but he seemed to be worried about something else.

"...Bakugo?...What is it?"

Bakugo lifted his head from his hands, turning to
y/n. Her breathing hitched and her heart stopped, as she noticed tears form in his eyes, them slowly falling from his ducts and running down his face.

"I...I ended All Might."

Y/n didn't watch the news last night after she found out the news about Bakugo, so she had no clue what he was talking about. "...What do you mean?" She whispered, walking to him kneeling on the floor in front of him.

"If I....If I wasn't taken by those stupid villains...All Might wouldn't....wouldn't have had to save me....and fight All for One....he wouldn't...have lost his power." Bakugo heaved frustratedly, trying his best not to cry more than he already had.

His face was blushed from sadness, and his eyes were shaking with trauma. He dropped his hands onto his thighs, them trembling with anger. "It's....It's all my fault."

Y/n wasn't very familiar with the hero world, but she knew All for One and All Might's relationship, so she could imagine how brutal that fight must've been.

"" She whispered, reaching out and cupping his face. "It's not your fault, Bakugo." She wiped his falling tears from his cheeks, Bakugo's quivering eyes meeting with her still ones. "It was bound to happen at some point. You can't take the blame for the inevitable."

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