both sides now

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When Remus woke up the next morning it looked rather early still, the bottoms of his jeans had been soaked by the sea and the fag in his hand had burned out leaving small red burns on his two fingers. He looked to his right where Sirius still lay in a peaceful looking sleep Remus thought better of waking him knowing he didn't like to be rose from his slumber prematurely at the best of times and Remus guessed he was probably in for a nasty hangover- to make matters worse.

He got up mindful not to bother the other boy and made his way back to camp where he spotted a tired looking Lily sat on a camp chair looking out at the sea "alright Lil?" he asked cheerfully, she gave him a sweet smile as a reply " wotcha doing"

 "waiting for someone to wake up" she replied

"well here i am"

 she looked him up and down "you'll do i suppose"


"no i just needed someone to come to the shops with me" she told him laughing

"i have legs don't i? who better then me" he replied flashing a grin 

"you cant complain about the walk then" she demanded getting up "and no smoke breaks" she added looking at him knowingly " god knows you have too many already"

"sorry mum" he threw his hands up in the air smiling cheekily like a little boy who had gotten away with being naughty, she threw an empty can at him before laughing and grabbing his arm pulling him along the path 

                                                                                          * * * *

"It's a mile lupin, your 16 your not on deaths doors" lily rolled her eyes as Remus had begun complaining about his gammy knee. It really did hurt, but he had always liked a moan "and don't you dare" she slapped his hand away as he pulled out a 12 pack. he grunted but obeyed putting them in his back pocket 

"how much further" he whined like a small child on a long car journey 

"not far, now hush up i'm sick of you" she answered looking around, her eyes lit up seeing the neon sign off an off license in the distance " there"

"bloody hell, walking to fucking Africa are we?" 

"oh be quiet" she slapped his arm softly

they reached the shop entering to find a gruff looking old man with a messy beard 

"mornin'." he grunted to them in greeting " you kids are up early" 

"just came for a few bits n' bobs" she told him cheerfully he nodded and they headed down the isle "we need something to eat of course, we've got water" she mumbled to herself quietly. they ended with half the shop, 

Remus had went to find the drinks in anticipation of another drunken night "blummin' hell lupin, we aught to pace them boys" she had tutted when he had returned carrying 3 cases of anything cheap he could find, a bottle of vodka balanced on top.
 she's not wrong he thought to himself but that's the fun of it .She had bought any snack she could think of, making the till worker less then thrilled clearly not expecting this much work so early on 

" five in the rudding morning" he heard him mumble to himself scanning the last few of the drinks. he and Lily collected the goods off the counter struggling to carry everything

"thank you" Lily had called out as they left, never forgetting her manners.

                                                                                       * * * *

They arrived back at camp placing their purchases on the floor giving their arms a well deserved rest when Remus spotted a soggy looking Sirius with a less then happy face on,
 "what happened to you" Remus chuckled 

"you" Sirius grunted "didn't wake me up, left es stranded" 

"i didn't wanna bother you" 

"the bloody high tide bothered me when i almost drowned" Sirius snarled " lovely way to wake up by the way" Remus laughed taking in the sight of the drenched boy, he really didn't think- though maybe he was glad, because it was quite funny.

" sorry pads i forgot" he laughed 

"oh you forgot." Sirius glared catching Remus's eye finally cracking a smile " you owe me loopy" he yelled turning around walking towards the tent- to change Remus presumed.

even after being drowned he looks gorgeous  Remus thought to himself shaking his head and letting out an amused sigh looking fondly after the boy as he reached the tent and clambered in.

" we'll start with a ciggy ay" Sirius called out from inside, remus laughed

"i guess i can swing it," he replied 

"now?" Sirius asked holding out an expecting hand- he had emerged in a fresh pair of jeans and to no surprise a sweater of Remus's 'fucking gorgeous'.

they walked towards a group of rocks not far from the group and sat to light up "you eaten" sirius asked after taking a drag, Remus shook his head reaching for the cigarette off him, taking a drag then handing it back "we'll grab something"

"boys" a voice greeted from behind 

"Marls" Sirius moved up to make space on the rock " fun night eh?" he nudged her offering her his cigarette, she took it looking grateful and Sirius lit another for them.

"drank a bit much, my heads raging" she looked up at Remus and laughed, he grinned back "exposed me and the girls undying love for ya" while really looking at her Remus knew why the other boys where so drawn to the girls, she was very pretty and small and soft looking it seemed rather appealing, maybe he could fall for a girl- after all they do say some of us swing both ways.

"well i can't say it was upsetting" Remus replied flashing a smile, hoping that was flirting. Marlene giggled quietly taking another drag 'she didn't blush did she' maybe he was better at this then he thought, and after all he was already a werewolf he could do without being a poof too- Sirius was just a little crush he'd have to deal with in the background.

                                                                                            * * * *

Remus had spent the day with Marlene admiring her soft curves and pretty face- he could do this, he could really fall for her. Only stealing a glance at Sirius once or twice- who didn't look very happy but he had potter to keep him company, he wouldn't miss him. "so how'd you get this scar" Marlene asked him gently tracing it with her finger snapping him out of his daze, she had already had a few drinks and had became very bubbly

. "dog scratched me when i were little" Remus answered, she was leaning into him, his arm around her as he lent against a rock. 

"it's cute," she told him giggling, he smiled at her 
'this is nice, she's nice, don't look at him, you're to find a girl- you'll get over it.' he kept his eyes locked on her- his gaze reaching her soft pink lips, this is when you kiss them right?

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