Nine: Young Brett

Start from the beginning

"Well, not so long but long enough to establish myself. I opened my business as an agent 3 years ago after finishing school. It's doable."

"Wow.. But Brad Yang, the A-leaguer is your nephew ?? He's only a few years older than me"

"Yeah, Brad is my nephew but he's actually older than me. Happens when you have a much older sibling.

"But he said he learnt football from you!?!?"

"Yeah, we went to school together, he's only a couple of years older than me and I was a better footballer than him."

"So you're really his uncle ?"

"Yes, though back then we often told people that we were cousins cos it kept the story simpler."

"This is so confusing."

"Don't worry about it, no one's gonna test you on it. I just don't like talking about my age in front of those I work with, some of them think they can walk all over me just because they're a bit older. I just say that I look young for my age."

"Well boys, I'm beat. Thanks for coming over and for all the things you've done for my brother, Brett. You are, truly the best!"

Belle pecked Brett good night on his cheek and affectionately messed up Eddy's hair before she left the living room, leaving Eddy and Brett alone in the living room.

"Hey Brett, can we go out for another coffee?"

"Sure Eddy."

The city night lights by the harbour were always beautiful.

"So, Eddy, are you excited ?"

"Yessss!! Bring it on!!"

Eddy beamed.

"You're gonna have one of the best starts of a season, I recogn'."

"You think so? I really hope so."

Eddy gave a little shiver of excitement.

"Brrrr, I'm so excited and nervous!!"

Brett reached out to hold Eddy's shoulder.

"Just play Eddy. You play great. Spectators want to see great play and players having the time of their lives. Show them."

Eddy leaned into Brett.


Eddy placed his forehead on Brett's shoulder.

"Y'know Brett, I wish I could've seen you play."

"I only retired a year ago. You should be able to see some highlight videos on Youtube."

Eddy raised his head and looked into Brett's face.

"Seriously ?"

Brett smirked self-deprecatingly.

"There's even a video of when I busted my knee after the opposing team rammed into me. Nasty stuff. Even shows some of the fighting that broke out."

"Oh no...I'm sorry to hear that."

"Yeah, shame it happened, but oh well. I'm still happy how my overall football career panned out."

"But your semi-pro playing career must have been so short..."

Brett shrugged.

"Yeah. Lasted a whole half a season."

"Sh*t, Brett.."

"It's okay. I've played football for ...15 years? And I'm still working in the industry. And it's exhilarating to watch new talent like you. I've had it really good."

Eddy's face broke out into a smile.

"I hope I don't disappoint you."

"You've achieved so much already Eddy. I doubt you could ever disappoint me."

Eddy ran his hand through his hair.

"Well, I have before.. with that soccer mum incident."

"Well, I was impressed by how you came out of that one."

"So soccer mums remain out of bounds, huh."

Brett raised an eyebrow.

"Of course."

"So..what about agents ?"

Brett raised his other eyebrow.

"Which one?"

Eddy stared into Brett's eyes.

"Um... mine..??"

Brett looked away.

".... What about him?"

"I like him a lot."

Brett looked up and smirked.

"Oh, do you now."

"And I've just found out that he's almost my age, so now I'm finding him rather cute."


"Sorry, is that bad ?"

Brett was blushing.

"Um... no I guess not. I don't think this person's ever been called cute though."

"Hmm, I suppose there's always a first. Like I've never felt like this towards a guy before."


"So, can he be someone I may be interested in or is he out of bounds like the soccer mums ?"

Brett grinned.

"...Well, I don't think he's gonna go gossiping about any potential relationship and I believe both parties are single, so as long as the two of you can keep it discreet and remain professional on the pitch, I don't see a problem exploring and see where it leads you guys to."

Eddy smiled.

"Great. I hope he understands that my football career has to come first though."

Brett smiled back.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he knows that and he will support you 100%."


A/N: This concludes this story. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, adding this book to your reading list and writing comments for this story. All these actions make me so happy and excited about writing. I hope to continue with my one-shots and I have a few more ideas about some longer stories which I hope to start soon!! <3

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