Chapter 2: Shocking times and new faces

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It was early morning in Pure Heart Valley, everyone was getting up from their state of sleep, in the HQ of Mao Mao and his team. Mao Mao was getting up from his bed but was shocked to see someone next to him, it was their new guess, Mio the cat they found who had amnesia. Mao Mao tried to get some space from her, but he was on the top bunk of the bunkbed they were all sleeping on was about to fall until he stopped by using his feet to hang on to the side of the bed and ended up just hanging upside down. The other woke up and saw that Mao Mao was hanging upside down and Mio was on his bed. This wasn't a surprise to Badgerclops or Adorabat anymore as this was not the first time this had happened but Mio was a little embarrassed about this happening. "I'm sorry, this happened again," Mio said, sounding sadly apologetic.

"It's fine Mio, I'm fine." Mao Mao said as he started to move and used the momentum of his movement to do a frontflip and landed safely on the ground. Mao Mao then offered a hand to Mio to get her down but then Mio jumped off the bed and then her magic kicked in and the purple aura surrounded her, and she lowered slowly. She was getting better at using her magic, it was almost like second nature to her.

Mio has been living with them for the past week and this hasn't been the first time this had happened as this has been going on since the first night, the first three days Mio and Mao Mao would wake up in the same bed, Mao Mao would then get surprised and end up falling out of the bed, lately, he has been getting better at not falling on his face. On the fourth night, Badgerclops set up a camera to see why or how she was getting in his bed and it showed that her magic made her float and ended up being placed into Mao Mao's bed when he sleeps. They had tried to tie one of her legs to the bed she was sleeping on but somehow the rope would untie itself, so far she hasn't done anything else just sleep right next to him and doesn't even bother him.,

After everything, they had exited their bedroom and went to the kitchen and they all made breakfast for themselves, well everyone but Mio who was not allowed to make food after the last few times. Whenever she made food, she would somehow light the food on fire. Sometimes she would make food that didn't even involve using the stove. It would somehow go up in flames. She would try to make food as a way to say thanks to her new friends but would fail every time. She once cut an apple in half and it was in flames once it was cut.

"Sorry again guys, I've been trying to stop myself from doing that every morning," Mio said.

"It's fine Mio, but I have to ask you; Have any of your memories come to you yet?" Mao Mao asked, only for Mio to shake her head as a sign of no.

"No, but I have been getting some dreams where I was either in a peaceful forest in front of a river or either a place made of metal with so much rain." Said Mio.

"Well do you think that will help?" Badgerclops asked hoping for an answer, but with no one answering. When Mio was about to pick up her spoon to eat the food that Badgerclops made for her, a sudden shock came from her hands and her eyes glow yellow just for a second. Everyone saw this. "Dude, did her eyes just glow yellow?"

"Yeah, I guess she has more magic?" Said Mao Mao who was shocked (No pun intended) by this as they all thought that she could only fly or throw balls of gravity or something.


Meanwhile, while Mao Mao and the others were having breakfast, in an area full of burnt trees and a large structure that looked like a crashed ship, the home and base of the Sky Pirates, the leader Orangusnake and his other followers, Ramaraffe, Boss Hosstrich (Who wasn't the boss) and Ratarang. Their one goal is to try and steal the Ruby Pure Heart, they were in a meeting to decide one thing, whose turn it was to do the dishes. "For the last time, SOMEONE has to clean the only THREE dishes we have," Orangusnake said with anger as no one has cleaned them in a week. "Ramaraffe was supposed to clean them last time!"

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart, What is a HeroNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ