"Probably should." Becky raised her head and stepped back. "Otherwise we'll be having a TV wedding next week and not find out until we get to Creative, and then both our mothers will be pissed."

Roman ruffled Becky's hair as he started towards the coffee station. "You mean they aren't already? Don't tell me they bought the beach story." Knowing he was too far away for Seth to smack him, Roman winked. "If you can make ten people believe that—any ten people—I'll pay for your damn wedding myself, man."

Becky's laugh was borderline wicked. "Any ten? Challenge accepted." Then she tugged on Seth's hand. "Come on. Maybe if we tell Hunter," she added, "he'll tell Steph and Vince and then we won't have to."

Sliding an arm around Becky's waist as they headed over to Hunter, Seth nodded. Hunter was still one of their bosses, but he had been more like a father figure in NXT and much of that attitude carried over in his dealings with the wrestlers who had come up through developmental. Before either of them could start speaking, though, Hunter saw them approaching and held up a hand. "I already know," he began, "but let's take this to my office so we can talk without being interrupted every two minutes." Then he chuckled. "And no, I don't buy the beach story."

Further down the coffee station, Roman burst out laughing. "Told you!"

Shaking his head, Seth tightened his arm around Becky as they followed Hunter through the maze of corridors. "People propose on beaches all the time," he pointed out feebly.

"People do," Hunter agreed with a chuckle. "But you two? Honestly, I don't want to know." Then he rummaged in his pocket for the arena keys, opened a door, and motioned Seth and Becky inside. "I imagine you're getting tired of rehashing the details, so I'll tell Vince and Steph for you. How do you want to handle the public, though?" He edged past them both to sit behind the desk.

Becky and Seth shared a glance. "Well, I mean, we don't want an on-screen wedding, obviously. . . ."

Hunter laughed. "Who does? They don't have the greatest track record. But I meant in terms of how the company portrays it. Do you want the announce team to mention it, the social media teams, that sort of thing?" He paused for a moment before adding, "Because we all know you two aren't going to be able to keep it a secret for long, so we should have a plan in place."

Standing just inside the door, Seth kissed the top of Becky's head. "You're the social media guru. We both know I've made some . . . questionable choices."

Both Becky and Hunter snorted softly at that. "Low-key, maybe? One of us can post a picture on Instagram and WWE can reference it," Becky suggested. "And then we can see how it goes over?"

Hunter nodded, tapping away on his phone. "Okay then. Give me a heads up before you post anything so I can have our team at the ready. And I shouldn't have to tell you to pick a family-friendly picture." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "If it's a beach one, make sure it's not by a landmark, or we'll have vultures trying to get scoops from local vendors."

Seth's shoulders relaxed a bit. At least there was something they did properly. "They all have the ocean in the background," he replied.

"I can post it while I'm in Make-up," Becky offered, looking up at Seth. "Or would it be better to do it after the show, so the announce team doesn't have to worry about it?"

"After," Hunter decided at last. "No one backstage should leak the news, hopefully, but it'll give some of the matches a chance to trend too. You have a habit of breaking the internet, Lynch, in case you hadn't noticed."

Becky just grinned. "I'm a woman of many talents." Then she turned and hugged Seth. "I really should be getting to Make-up, though, unless you need me for this conversation. . . ?"

House Rules 3: Glass HousesWhere stories live. Discover now