Chapter 30: And the Crowd Goes

Start from the beginning

"Yea. I love him too."

"Estúpido." He lifts his arm, twirling me around very slowly and from across the dance floor my eyes momentarily catch Eli's gaze. A small smile crosses his lips and thinking all about what Miguel has said and Yaya's hopeful commentary causes my face to heat up. "He's in love with you. Like would marry you if you asked him to." I raise my eyebrows and Miguel's head ducks. "Slight exaggeration; but he would marry you."

My heart begins to beat erratically in my chest at the release of information. Miguel's hand goes to my mid back and his left hand grabs my hand for additional support as he swiftly dips me. "I thought he was in love with Moon?" I call upward, laughing at the end as he pretends to drop me. My hands clutch at his forearms to ensure I don't actually fall on my ass.

He pulls me back up to his chest and laughs along with me. Humor drenches each bubble from his mouth, but I can't tell if he's laughing with me or at me. He turns both of us around in circles like we're dancing some kind of ballroom dance. "I think he thought he was in love with her to avoid confronting his feelings about his best friend."

Earlier flashes back in my head, back at my house. There was a moment where he'd stared at me in complete admiration after naming the elements of my outfit. I'd read it as his sense of awe for me cosnidering it was a rare occurence that I would dress up- wearing a skirt- for something other than a class presentation. Could it be love? My eyes bat a few times to erase the flashback, recalling that I need to really think about this. "Miggy, obviously I love him too. Like I'm in love with him." Miguel hums with that smartass grin of his, causing me to sense some mischief to arise out of his knowledge of my affections. But I don't inquire further because I need to let this out. "But I don't know if I should tell him right now." Miguel's eyebrows furrow as another aggravated groan escapes his lips. "I-It's not me. I mean it is, but- look, he's been progressing since being away from school. I mean we've got a two week break until we return to school. What happens if I tell him now but then we go back and he isn't like this? What if he does back to being purely Hawk? Back to Cobra Kai, brainwashed by Kreese Hawk who resorts to punching and hunting instead of talking shit out?"

Miguel pushes his body back from mine and twirls me around where my eyes once more lock on the red mohawked boy who's got his eyes on me, though the rest of his body is facing Demetri who looks like he is animatedly talking. On the second spin, another figure interrupts my vision line and Yaya is grabbing Eli by the hand while Sam takes hold of Demetri's hand. Both boys seemingly argue, though Eli gives in much easier than Demetri does. I chuckle upon returning to Miguel and bury my face in his chest to hide it momentarily. "Yaya knows her way around the dance floor." Miguel jokes,smoothly sliding into the remainder of the dance for the short seconds left of the song. "And I still think you should tell, Hawk. You've been waiting all this time and he's come back to you. I genuinely don't think he will change back to Kreese brainwashed robot."

He turns us and I can see Eli spinning Yaya. This warmth of fondness watching him toss his head back in laughter as Yaya sircles him emphatically spreads through my body. I bite lightly on the corner of my bottom lip to hide the growth of my smile, shaking my head at Yaya's antics. "I should ask Yaya for some moves. Seems she is keeping all of them to herself." I return my eyes upon the gentle brown ones staring back at me. "I don't know how you don't have any game. Between Yaya and tu madre, you're the black sheep when it comes to it."

His hands release me and this time he playfully nudges me. Our eyes return to each other after I mockingly gasp in overexaggerated offense, and we begin cackling at the ridiculousness of my insult to him. It's stupidly hilarious. "Are you two okay?" Demetri's voice breaks our moment of clouded minds, his shoes coming into my line of vision as I gasp for a longer breath then the short ones I'd been squeezing in between bouts of giggles. I nod, biting back onto my lower lip to contain the excess titters threatening to escape. My body unfolds itself from the doubled over position it'd been in to face the beanstalk himself shaking his head with his own smile on his lips.

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