I frowned and looked at my feet as we walked, “But not me.” I took off my invisible cloak and revealed my ears and tail.

Peter looked a little surprised at first but then his lips turned into a small smile, “I think you’re nice just the way you are.”

I looked into his warm, golden eyes, “You really are special, Peter.”

Life went on and we became closer friends. I showed him my home and the small village that I protected. It seemed as though time flew until we were closer than best friends. We were happy together. We shared our secrets and understood each other because no one could see us but... us. Peter and I lived together in the forest for almost two decades until things between us got even more serious.

“Peter,” I said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders, “I’ve been thinking.”

Peter hugged me to him and smiled at me, “What is it?”

“Well, I don’t know what to do. You and I are the only ones like this. No one sees us, no one hears us. We’re invisible to everyone. Do you think the Moon made a mistake in creating us?”

Yes, we had told each other about our encounters with the Moon. Peter became who he was by protecting a boy, a complete stranger, from an angry hunter in the woods. The hunter was an official of the village next to the forest and by standing up to him, Peter was banished. The Moon chose him to watch over the children of the town at night so that they would be safe from any danger.

Peter rubbed my hand with his thumb, “No, I just think that we haven’t figured out why we’re here yet. We have to find out on our own I guess.”

I rested my head against his chest and listened to his heart beat. I sighed as we sat in the green grass together. Peter’s golden eyes reminded me of the eclipse that brought me to life one century ago. I felt Peter’s breathing hitch and I looked up. A huge bear lumbered into the clearing baring its fangs and growling. We stood slowly and I walked toward it putting my hands out letting it know I was harmless.

“Shh, shh,” I whispered, “It’s alright.”

The bear seemed to calm down a little but Peter was afraid, “Autumn. Autumn, get back!”

Peter’s rising volume broke the bear’s calm demeanor and it went up on its hind legs and roared, threatening to stomp me into the ground.

“NO!” Peter yelled and he pushed me out of the way just before the bear crashed down.


I though he was dead, but I looked up to see his hand in the air with his fingers curled. He was grimacing with anger as a black ring of smoke tightened around the bear’s neck holding it mid air and keeping it from hurting him and me. The grizzly pawed at its neck struggling for air but the smoke got tighter.

I gasped, “Peter no! You’ll kill it!”

He glared at me with such anger and hatred in his eyes I crawled backward in fear. His once warm eyes were now cold and heartless as he strangled the creature who was trying defending itself. The bear wheezed and a tear ran down my cheek.

“PETER! LET IT GO!” I screamed.

Peter ignored me and tightened his grip. I couldn’t take it anymore. I rose my arms, my heart racing with fear and worry, and three vines grew on either side of Peter wrapping around his arms and pulling him to he ground. Immediately, the smoke collar around the bear’s neck dissipated and the bear ran off in such a panic, it ripped a tree clean out of the ground. I was filled with so much anger, sadness and fear that I didn’t know what to do but stand and let my legs shake underneath me. But I forced them to move forward and face Peter.

“How could you?” I whispered as Peter looked at me in shame. “That poor bear was just defending itself! Why did you attack it?!”

He frowned, “It was going to kill you...”

I continued, “I could’ve calmed it down again! That’s what I do, Peter! I protect the forest and its inhabitants!”

“I’m sorry Autumn,” Peter looked at the ground and his shaggy black hair fell in his face.

I breathed heavily from the adrenaline and let the vines sink back into the ground. Peter rubbed his wrists, “I felt something, Autumn.”

“What?” I breathed.

Peter tried to describe it to me, “It was power, it was... it was freedom... it was... fear.”

That caught me by surprise, “Fear?”

“The bear,” Peter said taking my hands in his, “I could feel it. It was afraid. Somehow, that made me stronger than I’ve ever felt in my life! It was exhilarating!

He grinned at me, once again the smile that I knew and loved, but something was off. Something was different.

“Peter,” I dropped his hands and back away, “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

His face lit up, “Well, why not?”

I knit my brows in worry, “You were different. You scared me. That’s not you.”

“Scare?” he asked. “I scared you?” I nodded but all he did was smile, “Autumn do you know what this means?! I found my purpose! By creating fear, I become stronger. It felt great! We can do it together!”

My eyes widened as he walked toward me and I backed away more, “No, Peter.” He stopped. “I don’t want any part of this. I’m sorry Peter, but that’s not what I want for us.” I shook my head and bit my lip, “I loved you Peter. But, suddenly you’ve become a monster. You had a kind heart, but now it’s hard, cold...” My chest tightened as the last words slipped from my lips, “... and Pitch Black.”

That made everything change. Suddenly the sun was blocked by black clouds and nothing but darkness was in the clearing. I saw Peter’s golden eyes piercing mine as he walked toward me in a rage. I backed up but before I could run he grabbed my wrists and pulled me toward his face.

I whimpered, “Peter?”

His grin was filled with malice and darkness, “No, Autumn. You’re right, I changed. I’m not Peter... I’m PITCH BLACK!”

He yelled the last few words at me and disappeared as I fell to my hands and knees shaking. I cried and what was once green grass in the grove, was now brown and dead.

Rise of Mother Natureحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن