Memorials, Wounds and Just a Hint of Fear

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As I floated toward a roof, I waved my hand over Jack’s face and he closed his eyes. That power blast had absorbed most of his energy in the process of its unleashing. I set him on the roof gently as the sleigh landed a rooftop away. Jack opened his eyes again as I laid my hands on his chest and forehead. I concentrated hard.

“Autumn,” Jack grumbled, “Your arm...”

I looked down, “You’re going to be fine, Jack.”

I smiled and he sat up and spoke, “But are you?”

I hesitated, “I...”

“Jack!” North yelled as he reached us. Tooth and Bunny were at his side.

Jack looked at the ground as he stood gripping his staff, “Sandy...”

. . .

Back at the pole, the Guardians had a mourning ceremony over the loss of an ally, a companion, and a friend. The only ones that didn’t attend were me and Jack. Even though I didn’t get to know Sandy as well as I had wanted to, it still hurt to think that he was gone. I climbed to the very top of North’s workshop and sat there, staring at the cloudy horizon. It was kind of cold but it didn’t bother me much. I just wanted to feel at home. Rising, I closed my eyes and lifted my hands. I could feel the warmth of the spring dome encircling the roof of the workshop. What was once a cold environment, was now warm and comforting. Growing things made me feel good and I wanted to do something for Sandy. I wove my hands slowly across the rooftop and imagined a small tree grove. Four maple’s sprouted around the dome and grass filled the area around me. A giant, rectangular stone rose from the grass and in front of it grew tulips, blue bells, ferns and bleeding hearts. I opened my eyes. It was beautiful, only a few things missing. I whistled and some birds flew into the trees in the grove and I called a squirrel who built a home inside one of the maples. I walked over to the stone in the middle of the grove and knelt in front of it. A tear ran down my cheek and fell into the grass against the stone. Almost immediately, vines snaked up it and wove an entire sculpture made of plants. Sandy’s likeness stood in the middle of it, in the new shrine that I would’ve loved for him to see.

I went back down into the workshop and saw Jack sitting on a windowsill. I walked over to him to talk but I felt an excruciating pain and cried out.


He turned to me and ran over. Dropping his staff and falling to his knees beside me, he touched my now black arm. I jerked away from his hand.

“Autumn,” Jack searched my eyes, “It’s spreading to your neck!” My face went blank. Expressionless. Then, fear flooded through my body as a cold shiver went up my spine. “NORTH!” Jack yelled.

. . .

I opened my eyes slowly and saw a bright, white glow. I squinted until my eyes were almost closed again. They focussed and I saw Jack’s face hovering above mine. His face was lined with worry but then relief when he saw I was awake.

“Jack...” I groaned barely opening my mouth, “What happened...”

He took my hand and squeezed it, “You hit your head and passed out. That black reached your neck.”

I put my right hand up to my neck, “I don’t feel anything...”

Jack sat down in a chair next to the bed I was lying on, “North got some of the Yetis to put together some kind of medicine for you.”

“Mmm...” I turned my head smiled, “Jack, did I ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?”

He chuckled, “No, but I think you’re a little delusional though.”

“I’m kidding,” I said.

Jack stared at me quizzically but smiled, “Do you wanna get up?”

I nodded and Jack let me get off the bed. But as soon as I stood up on my own I felt dizzy and fell. I thought I was going to hit my head again, but Jack caught me before I touched the floor. His hand was on the small of my back with his arm around my waist. We stared at each other for a while until North walked in.

“Are...” North saw us and Jack pulled me back on my feet, “Am I interrupting something?”

“Uh, nope,” my cheeks flushed a bright pink.

“I was going to say,” North started again, “are you alright, Autumn?”

I straightened my back and sighed, “I’m pretty sure. What did you use for the medicine?”

North scratched his beard and rolled up his sleeves revealing his Naughty and Nice tattoos, “I don’t know. The Yetis took care of it. I am not really one to ask for flora treatment.”

I saw a Yeti wave from the door and smile. I waved back and giggled. My tail wagged happily for the first time in a while. I turned back to Jack and he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled. Just then, Bunny burst into the room.

“Autumn!” he yelled his face brightening, “You Greenie, you got me all kinds of worried! Didn’t think you would make it, mate.”

“Awe, Bunny,” I walked over to him, went on tiptoe and kissed his cheek, “You’re so sweet.”

His face turned red and I laughed. My green curls bounced as I walked down the hallway with my friends. We went to the globe and looked at the lights. They were starting to go out.

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