Some were upset, others were happy, one person was angry, but it was a mixed review overall. 

"Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros, got it? Even those who didn't get any offers." Aizawa-sensei began.

"Oh so we're all interning." Midoriya asked hopefully.

"Yes, you already got to experience combat with real villains during the previous attack on the USJ facility. But it'll still be useful to see pros at work, up close and personal, in the field first hand. These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-" Aizawa-sensei was interrupted by someone slamming the door open.

"You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight announced while walking in "What you pick today could be your code name for life, you better be careful or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent." The R-rated hero finished.

Hero names. Funnily enough it was something Senshi had never thought of, and now she was panicking slightly. Not having a clue what to say was Senshi's overall appearance, but this time it would actually affect her. So brainstorming was something Senshi was doing intensely as of right now. 

"Yeah she's got a good point, Midnight is going to have final approval over your names, it's not my forte." Aizawa-sensei said while picking up his sleeping bag.

Whiteboards were handed out, and Senshi assumed that they were for writing down her hero name. Doodling a flower in the corner was something Senshi was doing whilst trying to think, it always seemed to help; that was when music wasn't an option.

Maybe something quirk related? That was the most obvious thing to choose, but her quirk was vast, and therefore a name wouldn't be specific. Midnight suddenly speaking was what brought everyone out of their trances.

Now students, who among you is ready to share?" Midnight asked, Senshi's face paled. Not only had she not done anything but draw a flower, her forced brain storming was getting her nowhere. 

People began to present theirs, one getting rejected. They all fit so well, and Senshi couldn't help but wonder how they even thought of the names. Twirling her jet-black hair around her finger as the rest was in a low messy bun, she put something together last minute, her royal blue eyes scanned the board. It sounded.... cool? She didn't know how to phrase it, but it worked, and seeing as Senshi was usually a prepared person and this was the epitome of unprepared, it was good enough.

"Tate? Would you like to come and present yours?" Midnight asked with encouraging eyes.

Senshi nodded her head, standing up from her desk and walking towards the podium. She placed the whiteboard on the podium, the flat side facing the class. She said nothing, her voice escaping her throat in that moment. Though the whiteboard read:

'The Energy Hero,

Power Field'

Midnight approved as the class clapped, Senshi scurried her way back to her seat without a sound. So there we have it, the product of procrastination. Senshi liked it, it fight the majority of her quirk and majority always wins over minority. Watching Bakugo's attempts of thinking of a hero name was slightly humorous, his two names being turned down by Midnight.

Though after that, the hero name picking concluded and the sheets of internship requests were handed out. Looking down the briefly, on the many pieces of paper was a task. It could be compared to going to law school with the amount of reading that needed to be done.

"Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we can talk about your upcoming internships. They'll last for one week as for who you'll be working with, for those who were on the board will choose from among your offers, everyone else will have a different list. You have a lot to think about, there are around forty agencies across the country who've agreed to take on interns from your class. Each agency has a different sort of specialty that it's heroes focus on, keep that in mind." Aizawa-sensei explained, leaving the room the moment the bell rang.

Senshi continued to scan over her offers, though one rather popular hero caught her eye.


She was currently ranked at six in the hero rankings, though seeing as she didn't have an agency nor did she work with anyone, it was amazing how quickly she was advancing. Obviously the no agency part was extremely rare for heroes nowadays, yet proven by Miruko, heroes didn't need agencies to be successful.

Though that was this thing, Miruko didn't tend to work with anyone, so asking someone to work with her sounded weird. Not that Senshi doubted it's realism, it was just making Senshi question a few things; such as if Miruko was planning on training side-kicks.

Well it was most definitely an offer to consider.

Yes Senshi was still looking for overall improvement, but have you seen Miruko, the woman is made of muscle! That would definitely be a good thing to consider, getting more athletic that is. 


The busy cafeteria was always filled with a chatter, especially the first years after today. Senshi was sat with Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Asui, yet Senshi was letting the three of them do most of the talking. Senshi seldom talking during lunch periods, finding eating or sheet music more fascinating. Before now, Senshi was used to sitting alone, but the three girls had insisted that Senshi joined; and Senshi didn't want to offend them.

"Tate, who are you thinking of interning with?" Yaoyorozu asked, Senshi had her mind set on Miruko, yet hadn't made the choice final.

"I haven't read all of them, but I think Miruko." Senshi replied, her voice as quiet as ever. The three girls began to marvel as the offer, being baffled that the hero offered Senshi a place.

"Miruko doesn't have an agency, I wonder how that'll work.." Asui trailed off, Senshi was still wondering that too.

Senshi was walking home at the end of the school day, deciding that she should actually make her choice. Everything and nothing happened today, and it was weird. Though what was more peculiar was an ash blond sudden announcing his presence.

"Oi skater, who are you going to for your internship." That gruff voice could only belong to one person. Not only that, but it seemed that Bakugo had assigned Senshi a new nick-name most likely from the sports festival.

"I don't know, but I'm thinking Miruko." Senshi replied, Bakugo grunting in acknowledgement. "You?"

"Best Jeanist, he's the best fucking option so obviously I'm going there." Bakugo answered, it was a good enough reason, though Senshi couldn't help but think about how Best Jeanist and Bakugo's personalities may clash.

Only time will tell for Bakugo.

The two ended up walking home together, well, as far as their separate routes allowed them. Senshi didn't know why, but there was a warm feeling in her heart, and an unfamiliar happiness from the small talk they engaged in. 

Bakugo couldn't help but to agree, he normally preferred to walk home, alone, yet he just couldn't bring himself to leaving her until he physically had to. And their conversation, it was about nothing in particular, but it also held everything in that moment.

They could both agree that it made them feel weird, but it was an okay weird. A weird that allowed them to continue spending more time together; slowly but surely that is. The sun setting while they were walking was an unknown cliché, the orange lighting on both of their pale skin. 

The sun turning Bakugo's pale blond hair into a light shade of orange, as Senshi's hair wasn't affected much. Though her eyes really seemed to compliment the sun set, the dark, entrancing blue swam with the vibrant orange. Bakugo's crimson orbs only became more vibrant, the orange and red mixing together swimmingly.

Bakugo though that Senshi..... certainly wasn't ugly.

Senshi could agree that Bakugo did look rather handsome, but her cheeks flushed slightly at the thought; her internally cursing herself.  

Though something they both didn't know was what this small but powerful interaction would cause, it's effects falling into place like dominos. 


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