~ frustration nation ~

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-- fukurodani volleyball gym, 9pm, no-ones pov--

as soon as the masked girl and the rest of the team had walked in the boys were shocked

who was that and how are her spikes so powerful??????

then two other girls had come into sight and that's when tendou and terushima started acting like happy puppies

then when their captain introduced them the boys were still confused, why would the olympic team be there???

but regardless the boys still listened to all the girls introducing them selves, there were three girls left,

one of them started off but she was cut off by a boy " hello everyone im-" Terushima just screamed "SHES A TERUSHIMA, YEAH THATS MY SISTER"

the girl was about to flip her shit

" TERUSHIMA YOU SHITHEAD STFU AND LET ME SPEAK, anywaysss as i was saying, it's nice to meet you all im terushima himari, i'm a first year and i play setter" she finished of by winking, exactly like her brother would

then the girl who stood next to the masked girl gave her cheekiest smile and started singing " baki baki ni oreee, nani wo~~" not giving her a chance to continue her twin started singing as loud as possible "KoKoro wo da yo~~"

the both siblings started laughing, once the female had finished laughing she picked up hwere she had left of

"helloooo everyone, i'm tendou miyoko, just call me miyoko though if not i'll get confused with my twin HAHA"

the only one left was the masked female

everyone was on edge just waiting for you to introduce you self

you looked to your captain and asked "my go?" she just nodded

first you took of your cap and fixed your hair quickly, then you took your mask of and faced the group, with your sweetest smile " it's so nice to finally meet you all in person, i've heard so much about you guys, i am Miya (y/n)" you looked over to the corner where inarizaki was sitting and you could see all of their mouths wide open, including your brothers

coach nekomata was smiling back whilst saying "are you the phoenix of the court?"

that's when it hit the boys, of course they knew who the phoenix of the court was, she was a legend in volleyball as a whole, but no one apart from her team and a select few knew her true identity, up until that was

you just chuckled and replied back not being able to hide your smirk "the one and only"

well shit, she's amazing at volleyball and pretty asf what more could anyone want

then the oldest of the group started explain about how they would be attending the full training camp with the boys, the boys of course were extremely excited

but you weren't listening, instead you were staring into the inarizaki corner because you couldn't take your eyes of him

suna was smiling , he looked happy, genuinely happy

he was in his element playing a sport he loves, with his best friends

-- suna pov--

the masked girl had just reviled herself

it shocked all of us, it was (y/n)

she was so pretty, she just had this glow that surrounded her, wait wtf was i saying

before i noticed, i was smiling but i had no idea why she was just the twins well now triplets sister right? there's nothing else right?

the team had made an effort to get to know her and they all seemed happy but me on the other hand, i had hardly ever interacted with her and i intended to keep it that way

but this was so frustrating, she just kept on showing up everywhere being her usual bright self

just as soon as i thought i could escape and play volleyball, one of the things i genuinely loved she had to go and show up


i turned away from her, i had my reasons for ignoring her right? what if we didn't get along in the end, it would affect my relationship with her brothers who were my best friends and there was no way i could let that happen, as well as....well what if things repeat, I can't have that again  so all i had to do was distance my self from (y/n) it shouldn't be that hard

-- (y/n) pov--

coach washijo coughed which gained our attention which made me take my attention of the middle blocker

" so girls since you have missed a whole day of matches i say we play a quick match, your starting 6 vs the strongest 6 out of all our teams seems fair hm? i'm sure our ways would like to see what you are all made of anyway" the boys just nodded they wanted to see how strong ALL of you were

--no-ones pov--

misaki immediately agreed "girls quickly get into your kits, you have them under your current clothes anyways so just change here quickly, then 3 laps around the gym for a quick warm up, you got that?!"

" okayy" the girls were excited to see what the best players could do so they wasted no time in taking their joggers of, they all had spandex shorts under but none of the boys knew that

"EY (Y/N) STOP STRIPPING INFRONT OF ALL THESE BOYS, YER A GIRL" both brothers had shouted across the silent gym, startling every one you looked back and flipped them off

" shut up samu, 'tsumu just because you guys are the older ones out of us triplets doesn't mean you get to boss me around" you just rolled you eyes

the gym was silent for a moment, but then people started shouting



" what are the chances that they are actually triplets AND they are all good at volleyball"

" i just might have to steal her from her brothers if ya know what i mean"

then the coaches had had enough



your girls had ru around the gym 3 times just like your captain had said and you got back the boys coaches were deciding the team

once they had finished they wrote it down on a paper and handed it to you

Boys positions

setter : miya atsumu

Libero : Motoya Komori

middle blocker : Rintarō Suna

outside hitter: kiyoomi sakusa

wing spiker : wakatoshi ushijima

left wing spiker : kotaro bokuto

you all read over the paper quickly and agreed with the players

-- (y/n) pov--

i was excited to say the least, i still haven't had a chance to say hello to sakusa, i haven't even SEEN him, knowing him the poor boy is hidden far away in a corner

but my mind kept going back to suna,

he really should smile more because he looks amazing

i was lost in my thoughts until sakura literally dragged me on the the court to stretch with her

the boys team was about to be announced, lets see how this match goes...

Lmao I can't believe this is getting more reads
Anywaysss stay safe hoes

-again not proofread

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