Chapter 18

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I stormed over to Felix and pushed his chest roughly hoping to at least get him to move slightly, but he didn't budge.

"You idiot! He could have killed you!" I shouted as I could feel the tears fill my eyes at the thought of losing him.

"Hey enough, enough" he said grabbing my wrists the stop me from hitting him. "I'm here aren't I...I promised you that you wouldn't have to burry anymore of us, I'm sticking to that promise" he added pulling me into his chest.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if he had got hit with the arrow.

"Make sure nothing happens to this place for me, I have somewhere to be" I said pulling away from his chest to look at him.

"We'll be here" he smiled kissing me quickly before wondering off to do whatever it is he does.

I had a feeling that those adults with hook aren't the only unwelcome visitors on the island. All this morning my hand kept twitching, I don't know if it was happening to Peter but I was certainly happening to me.

I kicked the dirt up as I walked through the woods alone, it was mostly silent apart from your ordinary animal noises.

I came to a small camp with a small fire still dying. This was miles in the opposite direction of Emma's camp so I found who I was looking for.

"Hello nephew" I smirked as I heard footsteps approaching from behind me. I turned to see a long dark haired man standing in front of me.

"Aunt Isla" he snarled.

My mask slipped slightly at the sound of that name, I hadn't gone by that name in years. I suppose growing up that's all he ever knew me by.

"I have to say you remind me a lot of your father, you both are as stubborn as each other" I chuckled taking a seat on one of the rocks.

"Don't compare me to him" he growled looking at me up and down.

"The anger you must get from him as well."

"What do you want Isla?" He asked standing across from me, looking deep into my eyes. His eyes were dark and full of hurt, you could see how much Peter had affected him.

"Your here for Henry aren't you?" I asked walking over to the edges of his camp and picking off berries.

"I'm not here for family reunions now am I?" I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at his comment.

"Then that makes us enemies Rumple" I told him, throwing berries into my mouth. The bitterness of them made my eyes squint as I swallowed. They were so bitter on this side of the island.

"Still a pawn in your brothers games Isla" he said shaking his head.

"I'll see you around Nephew" I smirked walking back through the path towards camp.

It was good to see Rumple again but it was a shame it was on these circumstances.

It was dark by the time I got back to camp and the boys were already around the fire dancing. Glancing around I noticed that Felix was gone.


Pan sent me into the woods to collect an old friend. He had got the feeling that someone else had entered Neverland, Baelfire.

I leaned against a tree watching as a the body of a man crashing into the ground. I could physically feel the pain of the force as he hit to dirt.

"Welcome home Baelfire" I smirked as he rose to his feet with a groan. He looked at me with a hint of fear as I approached him, tying his hands together with rope.

"Feels like just yesterday I welcomed you to Neverland the first time Baelfire...gotta say I hoped I'd never see you again" I said as we walked through the woods towards the camp.

"You mean after you beat me to a bloody pulp" he replied with no emotion in his voice.

"We both know you deserved that" I chuckled pushing him slightly with my club.

"I'm gonna get my son back."

"You really believe that? You were a lost boy once, you've seen what that twins are capable of" I warned.

"Do you really think they will give him up so easily?"

"Maybe if I ask your girlfriend nicely" my grip on my club tightened as he mentioned Amelia. After what happened I'm surprised I never beat him again right there.

"You may have grown up Baelfire but it would appear you've grown up stupid" I chuckled as we neared the borders of the camp.

He started speaking again and the next thing I saw was blackness.


When I finally came two I was laying on the dirt with his ropes and jacket lying beside me. The son of a bitch knocked me out.

I let out a groan as pain shot through my jaw as I rose to my feet. I was gonna kill him.

I made my way back to camp to find two of the lost boys out cold at the borders. They weren't injured which told me Rumplestiltskin had something to do with it, and Baelfire too.

I stormed my way through the camp of boys to see Pan sitting by the new boy. Amelia was back too and was over by Sam and Finely, thankfully not noticing me yet.

"What! I know that look what happened!" Pan snarled walking over to me aggressively. He wasn't going to like this.

"Baelfire I'm afraid he got away" I breathed trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Well why didn't you get him back!" He replied, I have known Pan for years and he was clearly getting angry, which was never a good thing.

"I tried, I followed his trail to find two of our boys knocked a sleeping spell."

He looked at me up and down with wide eyes, processing everything I just told him.

"Looks like father and son have been reunited" he smirked.

I guess I couldn't blame Baelfire for liking Amelia in the past, she was beautiful. But she was his family so it did creep me out, I suppose Rumplestitskin never told him.

"We should move the boy somewhere safe" I told him as we eyed the boy up as if he was pray.

"Now now Felix the game is about to get interesting."

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