Chapter 17

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"What do you say we make a bet?" Kuroo asked as the two of you walked across the street to the park.

"On what?"

"Hmm," he paused. "I bet Oikawa's gonna get that nurse of yours' number the next time he visits."

"Seriously? I bet he already got it today. Wait, what are we even betting?"

"How about we think about it," he said, sitting down on a patch of grass in an open field. You sat down beside him and he wrapped an arm around you, letting your face fall into the crook of his neck. "How are you feeling?"

"I swear if you ask me that one more time," you muttered.

"Sorry. You have a habit of keeping things to yourself. Just tell me if anything's wrong, okay?"

"Okay," you whispered.

You weren't always like this but lately you'd been feeling like a burden on him. He always seemed to go above and beyond for you but you had nothing to offer in return. If anything, you'd been selfish.

At that moment you made a promise to yourself to change—you didn't want to lose someone who cared so much for you.

"Kuroo?" you tugged on his arm sleeve. He turned around to look at you.

"Hmm?" he asked before you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. He paused and leaned in towards you, placing his hand over yours on the ground. You pulled back after a while, looking into his eyes.

"Sorry I messed up our plans," you said quietly.

"It's no big deal," he smiled. "Your the only one I wanted to be with tonight anyway."

He wrapped both his arms around you. The two of you stayed like that for a while before the sound of fireworks interrupted.

"Happy New Year baby," he said as you turned around and looked up at the sky. You grabbed his hand and laid down on the grass.

"I think the fireworks look better like this," you pointed to the colorful sky as Kuroo laid down next to you.

At that moment you were hurting so much from your injuries, yet being with Kuroo somehow managed to make things better.

"Yeah, they look really nice," he watched you look up at the sky as the fireworks lit up your face. You didn't know this, but he wasn't talking about the fireworks. In fact, he wasn't even looking at them. All he was thinking about was you.

The two of you were walking back a little later when Kuroo got a phone call. You stood watching people pass by while he talked on the phone.

"Now?" he said. "Okay, I understand. I'll let her know." You looked up at him. "The police are here. They need to get your statement."

"Oh." You started walking towards the hospital. Kuroo ran and caught up with you.

"It'll be okay," he reached for your hand.

"I know. I just want to get it over with." A few minutes later you reached your hospital room.

"I'll wait here," Kuroo said, closing the door. It was just you, two officers, and Anaka in the room now.

"Hello, Miss. Shall we start?" an officer asked.

You sat on the edge of the bed and nodded. By the time the police got your statement you were exhausted. You laid slightly upright in your hospital bed as Anaka did a quick check up and hooked you up with another IV.

She didn't say much—she could tell you were moments away from dozing off. Just as she was about to leave you spoke up.

"Anaka?" you asked.

"Yes?" she walked back to you.

"I'm really tired right now. I don't think I can tell Kuroo myself. I don't think I'll be able to tell him myself for a long time. Do you think you could tell him what happened for me?" She was silent for a moment. "I-if it's not too much," you apologized for your request.

Your statement and what Anaka heard was fabricated—a government agent had you memorize several scripts and variations in case something like this happened—but you still thought Kuroo should hear something.

"Oh no, it's nothing! I get what you mean," she smiled. "Can you do one thing for me though?" Her question surprised you.

"Sure, what is it?"

"You don't need to hide your pain. I think your boyfriend—Kuroo is it?—I think it worries him a lot when you do that."

"Really?" you gulped. Her words somehow didn't surprise you.

"Yeah. You should be more open about how you feel, especially since you're in recovery."

"I'll try," you shifted your head on the pillow and instantly dozed off. Anaka opened the door and let Kuroo in. He pulled up a chair again and sat down, rubbing your hand.

"She's really tired," Anaka told him. "But she wanted me to tell you what happened." Kuroo looked up, then back at you as Annika started. "I'll keep it short. She was getting a dress from a seller. They met up in the parking lot before they dragged her into their car and took her to the house you found her at. It was some of her ex's buddies. She said you'd know what that meant. They tied her on the chair and—"

"I don't need to hear what's next," Kuroo interrupted. The two of them stood in silence looking at you for a bit. "Hopefully one day she feels comfortable enough to tell me herself though."

"She'll get there," Anaka smiled. "Are you sure you don't want a cot or blanket? My shift is ending soon, I can grab one for you."

"Thanks, but I like it better like this," Kuroo leaned on the side of the hospital bed, resting his head next to your leg.

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