He poked his head into his car, popping the trunk and grabbing a notepad from within. With a slam of the door, Seungbae moved to the trunk, taking a seat in the now opened back.

He patted the seat next to him, ushering me to sit next to him. I hesitantly took a seat, folding my hands into my lap, quietly brushing my fingers over my thumbs. Although my heart was racing, I kept on my best poker face, not wanting to look stressed in front of the police officer.

With a click of his pen and a push of his glasses against his nose, he glanced at me,

"I need you to tell me everything. No details excluded." I swallowed lightly before beginning to speak. I did my best to tell him everything, all the events that had taken place seemingly underneath an hour.

He gently hummed in response to my story, his pen scratching at the notepad with every word I spoke.

"And then you came and pulled him away. The rest you should already be aware of." Even after I went silent, Seungbae continued to write. Coming to the end of a sentence with a quick tap of his pen, marking the period at the end of his newly formed statement.

"Ah." That was all he said, but you could see his mind was swirling with thoughts. Just as he thought this mayhem was over, he was faced with yet again another incident involving Yoonbum.

Once again, his eyes flickered up to meet mine. He leaned in ever so slightly, taking in all the details of my face.

A light blush scattered across my face as I bit my tongue, slowly leaning back. After his thorough examination, he quickly pulled back, placing his hand on his cheek with his elbow propped up against his leg.

"You have his eyes, but I'm confused about how he seemingly mistook you for Sangwoo. Then, later on, a completely different girl." I nodded in agreement, also confused but also questioning what he had said before. I have his eyes?

Seungbae sat there, mumbling before a loud vibration rumbled within the trunk. He reached into his pocket, answering his phone while hopping out of the trunk, pacing around.

I tried my best not to eavesdrop, but without being able to hear the person on the other line, trying to understand the conversation was kind of pointless. I fiddled with my hands before Seungbae's flip phone was snapped shut.

He placed a hand over his face, dragging it down in a sign of stress.

"That was the hospital, they said Yoonbum passed out once receiving their care. They want me to go and keep an eye on him." I hurriedly jumped out of his trunk, assuming Seungbae would be in a rush to leave. But before I could walk away, he handed me a slip of paper.

"Don't open it till you're safely home. Have a nice night L/N." And without another word, Seungbae hopped in his car and drove away.

I stood, watching him drive away, the cold air nipping my skin without my jacket to keep me warm.


I trudged lazily into my apartment, exhausted from the events earlier in the day.

A welcoming meow greeted me, my cat rubbing up against my legs. I walked over to the cupboard retrieving a can of cat food, opening it, and dumping it into their cat bowl. Knowing my cat was fed, I walked to the bathroom.

I closed the door behind me, taking in my image in the mirror in front of me.

I hesitantly reached up to my face, tracing over the bags that hung underneath my eyes. I pulled down, revealing the meshy pink skin that lived underneath.

Did I really have his eyes?

I stared a little longer, trying my best to compare myself to him without revolting myself in the process. With a long sigh, I began to remove my clothes, ready to clean off my skin. Although my jacket had protected me mostly from...him, I couldn't help but feel dirty, unclean.

With another quick glance at the mirror, I discovered the bruises that now painted my skin. Some appeared as dark purple while others were a bluish-yellow. I ran my fingers over them lightly, pain stinging with even the lightest touch.

I managed to tear my eyes away from the mirror, beginning to step into the shower. I released a light hiss when coming into contact with the hot water. But wanting to feel clean, I let it burn my skin, burn away the memories of this afternoon.

I quickly ran a bar of soap over my skin several times, making sure to rid myself of any leftover dirt. I ran shampoo and conditioner into my hair, scrubbing my scalp thoroughly. I shut off the water, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body. I made my way to my bedroom, picking out some pajamas and jumping onto my bed.

I laid there for a sec, contemplating, and honestly just relaxing after my stressful day. I felt my cat jump onto my bed, reaching out a hand to graze over their soft fur. She curled up into a ball next to me, lightly purring. I would have been content to lie there all day til, the paper came to memory. I jumped out of my bed, making my way once again to the bathroom, where I had left my dirty clothes.

I reached into the pockets of my pants, my fingers tracing over the familiar paper Seungbae had given me earlier.

I pulled it out, giddily running back to my room, like an excited teenager. I held the paper in my hands, nervous but also a little excited to see its contents. I unfolded the paper, closing my eyes.

I peeked one eye open, then the other. It was a phone number. But who?

I retrieved my phone from my bed beside me, quickly typing in the number, making a new contact. Not knowing what to send, I sent one word.

"Hi". It took only a couple of seconds to receive a response.

"L/N? Did you get home safe?" A smile appeared on my face, happy he seemed concerned about my whereabouts.

"Yeah, I'm in bed now."

"Lucky, I'm watching over Mr. Yoon right now." My heart fluttered reading the text. Was this anxiety? Or was it the concern I felt for Yoonbum?

"Is he doing ok?" I sent, anxiously awaiting his response.

"He still hasn't regained consciousness, but other than that.." Seungbae took a second to respond, probably gathering his words.

"I honestly don't know."

I took a second to compose my thoughts, thinking of the best way to reply. My thoughts were interrupted by another text.

"Sorry L/N, the nurses want to talk real quick. It's late, get some rest. You've had a long day."

Reading the word rest, a yawn escaped my throat. My body seemed to finally realize how exhausted it was.

"Ok, but you better get some rest too." I sent, barely managing to keep my eyes open.

"I'll try. Sleep tight." And with that, I dropped my phone, letting myself fall into a deep sleep.

Another Chance (Yoonbum x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now