Chapter 1, Pt. 1: 16 Students

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It was the morning, and recently, Tommy has been accepted into a different school. He wasn't accepted into Hopes Peak Academy, which was why he thought he was just a normal boy. But, now he was going to a knew school where they accepted Ultimates that didn't make it into Hopes Peak.

Tommy got to the gates of his new school with a wide grin. Tommy then took a deep breath and stepped into the school's gates.

Then, he started to feel dizzy. Tommy looked around and saw that the school started to spin. Then, the room went black.

"Ugh..." Tommy groaned out as he lifted his head.

He was in a classroom on the floor near the blackboard. Tommy rubbed his head.

"Oh! Your awake! Are you ok?"

Tommy looked up at the voice to see a brunette with a green shirt and jeans.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

The boy offered a hand to Tommy, which he allowed to. Tommy smiled and the boy helped him up.

"So, where are we?" Tommy asked.

The boy shrugged, "no clue. I kinda just woke up here not even 3 minutes ago and I saw you in here as well. I couldn't wake you up so I just waited for you."

Tommy nodded, "I see. Was there anything else? Are we the only ones here?"

The boy shook his head and he brought out a piece of paper.

"I saw this when I got here," they handed Tommy the paper.

"Do you know what it says."

The boy looked a little nervous as he shook his head.

Tommy rolled his eyes and read the paper

The next semester is about to start. Beginning today, this school will be your entire world and more. Please head down to the main hall.

"To the main hall?"

The boy tilted his head, "is that where we have to go? Where even is that?"

"We can just look around until we find a big room I guess."

The boy nodded. They both left the room and walked down the halls. The halls seemed to be different colors and had a bit of greenery around. They continued down the halls, opening doors, until they reached a bigger door. Tommy opened it and both of them went in.

There were others just staring at him.

"So does that makes 16 of us," some brunette with a red beanie said.

"Do we all?" The boy asked.

"Not know what's going on? Yeah. Pretty much," a blonde with a mask and a green hoodie answered.

Tommy scratched his head in confusion, "what are we all doing here anyway?"

As someone was about to answer, a noise was heard.

"Alllllright kids! Settle down!"

All the students looked at where the voice was, the stage.

Then, a black and white ball was shot up from behind a desk on the stage. Once it landed on the table, it turned into a black and white bear.

"Hello! I'm the headmaster of the Academy for rejected Ultimates! Monokuma!" The bear said.

"Who invited this build-a-bear rip off?" The blonde with a smile mask asked.

"I am NOT a stuffed bear! Show some respect! I am the headmaster of your academy!"

"Whatever, why the hell are we here and what do you want?" A brunette with white glasses chimed in.

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