Chapter 1

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You woke up to the ringing of your alarm, you started to look for your phone to look at the hour '8:15, I'm early'. You got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. After you took a shower you brushed your hair and tied it with a high ponytail leaving two hair strings falling in front.

"The day has finally come" You said looking at your new school uniform that was hanging in your closet.

You put on your white shirt, slid up the cute black skirt and tied your blue bow. You added a nice grey sweater and a pair of long white stockings with black shoes to your outfit.

You decided to apply some make up, just mascara and lip gloss.

"I'm ready" You said walking towards the kitchen. You prepared yourself a sandwich and a smothiee and looked at a note that was on the fridge. "I'm going on a business trip, good luck on your first day. Love, mom" you read the note and prepared your stuff.

"Dad, I'm leaving" you shouted waiting for a response.

"Good luck sweetheart" he answered from his studio.

You took your bag and left your house. You walked for about 10 minutes until you reached the front door of your new school. There was a big banner with the name of the school on it. "Fukurodani High School" you said while entering the building.

You still had 10 minutes until your first class started so you went to the teachers room to get your class number. The school was so big that you almost got lost. When you finally arrived everyone in the class stared at you.

"Okay guys, today we have a new transfer student. Since we are in the middle of the year try to be nice to her and help her adapting" the teacher said. "You can seat in the empty desk on the left" he added.

You walked towards the seat that was right next to the window. Since the desks were in pairs you sat next to a boy with black hair that wasn't even paying attention to you.

"Hello, I'm (L/n)."

The boy turned around to face you and gave you a soft smile. "I'm Akaashi, nice to meet you". And with that your classes started.


The boy that was next to you left the classroom first, he said something about studying at the library.

"It's finally lunch time". A girl in front of you said while putting out her lunch. She turned around to face you.

"Hello, my name is Suzuki Mei but you can call me Mei" she said giving you a big smile.
She had pretty green eyes and short curly hair.

"I'm (L/n) (F/n) nice to meet you" you returned the smile.

"In that case I'm gonna call you (Y/n) chan" she giggled. "You know, it's very rare for students to transfer during this time of the year. Why did you transfer?" she asked taking a bite of her sandwich.

"It was because of my parents. My mom is always traveling so she's never home and with my dad is the opposite, since he is a writer he's always locked in his studio at home. We moved to a bigger house because we needed more space. This was the nearest school so here I am" you said taking a sip of the milk you brought.

"Oh, that makes sense, I thought you caused trouble or something like that" she giggled again.

You kept talking for a while and found out that it was really easy to talk to Mei.

Your classes continued for the rest of the day. When the bell rang you put away your stuff. "Goodbye Akaashi" you said.

"Goodbye" He replied giving you a soft smile.

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