𝟷. 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚢, 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚖

Start from the beginning

Despite his best efforts, Gray couldn't help it as his lips relaxed into an easy smile. One only Carmen seemed to be able to pull out of him these days. "So we're playing Bonnie and Clyde, then. Are you trying to take me out, Sandiego?"

"You wish." His partner grinned, turning to peer at the skyline. "Stealing a 100 Million dollar product of a mollusk is definitely a creative idea for a date, though."

"Product of a Mollusk?"

Carmen's eyebrow quirked up. "A pearl is hardened muscle tissue of certain types of mollusks and is the only gem in the world that's created by a living thing."

"Alright, Miss know-it-all." Gray snorted, shaking his head. He pressed his arms against the ledge and flipped back into the roof's interior, his bicep flexing at the movement. The Aussie held a hand out to the lady in red, his lips kicking up into his signature one-sided grin. "Let's make a bet, shall we?"

Carmen smirked, slipping her nimble gloved fingers into Gray's hands but making no move to actually get down. "What exactly are you proposing, Gray?"

"Last one to reach the Ritz-Carlton hotel has to pay for the rooms tonight!"

"What-" The latina started in surprise. Gray didn't wait for her to finish, though. His lips relaxed into a smirk, two of his fingers lifting up in a salute before he catapulted himself off the roof of the building they were occupying. Gray flipped, righting himself as he plummeted through the air.

He kicked his legs together, activating the latest of his gadgets that adorned his ankles--a pair of pressure sensitive boots that would absorb the pressure from long jumps or drops, allowing him to leap through cities the same way Carmen did with her handy grappling hook.

"Oh it is so on!" Carmen's voice rang out clearly, it's sound as distinct in his mind as a fire was in the dead of winter.

Gray dashed through the streets, not even caring at the passerby turning to glimpse his movements. He latched onto the side of a building, flexing his muscles and pulling himself to the top before leaping from roof to roof as if he was playing an extreme version of hopscotch.

Now this-this was what he lived for. The hot rush that pulsed through his veins as he pursued the chase or made away with the gold, the utter thrill of dancing between life and death absolutely irreplaceable. His heart pounded as loud as a bass drum, banging against his ribcage as if it was begging to be let out.

Gray lived for the adrenaline that was coursing through his body, it's high being addicting like no other substance he had been offered during his time on the streets of Sydney. He lived off it, addicted to it as if it was some drug, utterly unable to comprehend how he'd settled back into such a quiet life in Australia. All he knew now was that he would never go back, could never back.

As he leapt from base to base of each building, his reality was altered. He had a new way of moving, a new way of seeing things, a new way of existing.
A red blur bunded past him as he ran, a whiff of her familiar scent drifting into his nostrils as she passed by. Carmen slowed for just a moment, turning to shoot him a smug grin before she scampered away, her coattails flying behind her like a cape.

"No fair, you have a grappling hook!" He called as the wind battered his face.

"Life isn't fair, Calloway," She called back with a trill of laughter. Gray found himself echoing it. "Live with it."

"Better watch it, Carmen. I'm coming for you." Gray shouted against the night cockily.

"I'd like to see you try!" The woman called out as she sped away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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