Chapter 3 - The Colonel

Start from the beginning

He went on to blurt out more of what needed to happen the next day. Elvis's day would start before seven and end close to midnight. He barely had time to sleep! The life of a star, I suppose, especially one who was away for a while.

"You got all that, Elvis?" Colonel Parker asked as I watched the two. Elvis ran a hand down his face. My heart sank. Poor guy. He probably just wanted to take a day or two to rest before he jumped back into everything. But no, there he was, being hammered with a full schedule the day of his return.

"Yes, I did," Elvis said.

"Alright, then." He looked around. "Where is that maid of yours? I'm parched."

Elvis looked over to the dining room and I quickly hid myself. I knew he saw me. "I'll go get us somethin'," he said.

He got up and I ran into the kitchen

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He got up and I ran into the kitchen. I heard him walk in behind me. "Megan."

"I can get somethin' for the two of you." I went to the brown wooden cupboards and pulled out two glasses. I scurried to the ice box, opened it, but didn't find anything I could give a star and his manager. "Nothin'. But there are lemons, so maybe I can quickly make some lemonade." I pulled the bowl of lemons out of the ice box and put them on the counter. "Okay, now where is the sugar?"


"Is it here?" I looked in a cupboard across from the ice box but found nothing but canned goods. The next cupboard wasn't promising, either. My eyes began to burn, and my throat constricted. Where were the baked goods?!

I suddenly felt a hand on my arm, and I jumped. "Megan, stop, it's alright." I turned my head and looked up at Elvis's face. His features saddened when he saw my state. "I can get us water. It's fine."

Appalled at myself that I let my emotions get the better of me, I nodded. I took in and let out a large, shaky breath.

"Golly, Megan... I'm very sorry that you heard what you did." He dropped his hand from my arm after I glanced down at it.

I knew he knew I was there in the dining room. That was why he looked right at me when the Colonel mentioned me. I shook my head. "It's okay."

"It's not. You didn't deserve the unkind and accusatory words he said 'bout ya. No woman, no person, even, deserves that."

My lips quirked up in a small smirk. He was concerned for me. "Thank you, but... I suppose there is some truth to his words, I mean... I listen to your music all the time, I keep up on the news 'bout ya, I made my own renditions to your songs, I... Yes, I'm a huge fan, and I would be lyin' if I said that I came here just to save up money for school."

I kept my gaze down at my white maid's shoes, since that was what I was - a maid, just like the Colonel said.

"Well, I'm very flattered and honored to have a talented young lady like yourself as my fan."

My gaze went up to his blue eyes, and hope glimmered in mine. "You're serious?"

He nodded once, a kind smile crossing his lips. "I am. Now, take whatever the Colonel says with a grain of salt. That's how I've been survivin' these past four years. He's a good man, but he's strict. It's good to have strict managers. You'll be more successful."

He was allowing a man who he only tolerated to push him around? "It doesn't seem all that fun. I saw the way you looked when you talked with him out there. Your expression told me you would rather do anythin' else." He looked down at the floor, his hands on his hips. "There's that expression again." Those burning tears came back. "Gosh, you're a human being, too, a human being who needs rest after a long trip. Maybe that man in there has forgotten that and just pushes you around like a robot, or even a dog, makin' you do whatever he wants." I realized what I said. "Oh my, I'm so sorry for sayin' that, I..."

I tear ran down my cheek, and I wanted to bolt from the room because I felt so rotten. I said something horrible about someone without really knowing them.

Something touched my face, and I alarmingly noticed that it was Elvis's own thumb. I met his blue eyes. "This is why you're different from the rest of 'em, Megan."

His low tone could have melted my bones, and those breathtaking eyes had the same affect. My tongue felt heavy, so words didn't form. That thumb brushed my cheek, right at the corner of my mouth. His gaze went to it.


We both jumped at that loud, booming voice and I stepped away from Elvis and left the room, passing the Colonel as he came in. I leaned against the wall just outside of the dining room and I faced the stairs, my heart beating faster than it ever had. Elvis - Elvis Presley - looked as if he was about to kiss me! And right after saying the most touching thing I had ever heard.

"Elvis, what are you doing?" came the Colonel's voice. I heard glasses clanking together.

"Mrs. Brighten has yet to do some shoppin', so we don't have much as far as beverages, other than the tap water."

"Psht, forget it." Silence for a moment. "That maid was in here, wasn't she?"

"She was. I was just clearin' up somethin' for her."

"Clearing what? I hope you were telling her she has no business here. You're surrounded by women every day outside, but in here, you should be free of them. Better yet, fire all the women and have men work for you. Older women get after you, too."

What, fire all the women?! How could he say such a thing?!

"They're all stayin' right here, Colonel."

Such firmness in his voice. The Colonel huffed, "Fine, I guess I can't get through to you. Now, I should get going. I'll be back at 7:30 for the show tonight."


"Get that broody look off your face, Elvis. You're about to make a bunch of people happy in the coming days. You always make people happy."

"Yes, and that's what keeps me goin', along with my love of music."

"Right, right, well... show a man out?"

They left the kitchen, and I scrambled up the stairs. Another tear fell from my eye as I leaned against the wall in the hallway, and I heard Elvis say goodbye to the Colonel. How could he put up with a manager like that? Just tolerate him like he insinuated that he did? That wasn't a way to live, especially with someone who basically ran your life.

Elvis needed a good manager. Sure, I only just met the man, but he made a horrible first impression. Fire all the women? How about fire him?

"It's none of my business," I muttered, fiddling with my apron. "I'm just the hired help. That was what Elvis would say." I recalled breakfast. "No, he wanted us all there, like we're his family. Maybe that's how he sees us."

I touched my cheek where he touched it with his thumb. How about me? The look he gave me, his gentle touch...

No. I didn't want to be the girl the Colonel thought I was. But a girl couldn't help it when a man was tender with her... a really gorgeous man who seemed like he was one thousand times better in character than my ex Brody... a man who defended me and didn't disagree when the Colonel said I was pretty.

"Don't think nothin' 'bout it," I said. "You're here to work."

And I should do that. Where did I put that feather duster?

~ ~ ~

(So, I know now, since I wrote this some time ago, that the Colonel never wanted to leave the country since he wasn't allowed to, so that bit about him being in Germany wouldn't have happened. This is a fanfiction, so we'll stick with what's there.)

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