Chapter Four: The Dreaded Train Ride

Start from the beginning

Blaize is honestly one of the funniest people I have ever met. He can make me laugh on even my worst of days. He loves making funny faces and tickling me. He would never admit it, but he wants a big family and a wife that he loves beyong measures. He wants to be happy, smile all the time, and just have fun. And when Blaize smiles I swear it is one of my favorite sights because I know that at that moment he feels safe and does not have a care in the world and that's how I want him to feel all of the time. I think that soon enough one of us will break and start to venture out of these ways of living and I think if one of us do, the other one is bound to follow, even if that means that I had to make Blaize show his emotions more. I just hope that I can survive long enough at The Manor to see that happen even if I have to force Blaize myself to start trying new things.

I must have drifted to sleep because Blaize was now delicately trying to wake me up. We have arrived to King Cross station and were getting ready to leave for our homes. Before Blaize could reach to open the door to our compartment I flung my arms around him to give him a good-bye hug. He turned slightly to hug me better and squeezed me tightly, I could tell that he needed that hug just as much as I needed it.

"I am going to miss you Blaizie, I do not like the fact that I can not just run up some stairs to annoy you."

       "I'm going to miss you too my little Rori, but you can visit me whenever and I am sure we will be able to see each other often." I hated when he called me little Rori but I guess it was a fair nickname considering I am considerably short and he is well over six foot.

I hugged him again knowing that what he said was true and then we left our compartment putting back on the faces that we carry around whenever we are in public. The face of bravery and no emotions. I found Draco near the exit of the express waiting for me. He stood up and sent me a small smile one that he knew only I would catch. I hated the way that Draco acted at school because I knew it was not him, but none the less he was still my baby brother and I loved him and just wanted to protect him from everything that I could. I grabbed his arm and gave him a small encouraging squeeze before we stepped off the train to go home. No one was there to pick us up like normal so we found our way home how we have for many years.

       When we finally reached The Manor it was rather dark and lucky for us our father was gone for business. When we walked in our mother was there waiting for us. Both Draco and I dropped our bags and ran to give our mother a big hug. It was nice seeing Draco act like the young boy he is and not some machine git that he acts like. Our bags were grabbed for us and taken upstairs to our bedrooms while we went to the main room where a big table of our favorite food were waiting for us. Draco, my mother, and I had the best evening I have had in a while as we told her everything that happened since we last saw each other and just had fun enjoying the absense of our father. I only wished the rest of summer could be this way.
Fred's POV
       After getting on the express me, Lee, and George all got a compartment to share. We were going to talk about new products to start selling. Every time all three of us are together something always happens. It's not exactly intentional but it just happens. Almost as soon as we got in George and Lee started arguing about their favorite quiditch tems and which one was better. I knew not to get involved when they were in these types of arguments because Lee always said that it could only be one of us at a time because I and George almost always had the same opinion and he said it was unfair to argue us both. So after realizing that he had a point once they started arguing I would just listen and laugh at their nonsense. 

While looking at Lee I looked over at the window to see a girl passing by. She looked beautiful, her long hair flowing as she walked in her little green skirt and big sweater. I knew exactly who it was just by the way she carried herself, it was the girl that I had spent hours studying last night while talking. Aurelia had a way of catching your eye by just walking by. She did not even have to try it was just who she was. And now that I realize that she is not like her git of a brother I started to notice how eye catching she really is.

        "Bloody hell," I matured under my breath but Lee and George still caught it. They both looked at the window to see a little bit of long black hair passing through the last bit of window. Luckily you could not see the white part of her hair or else it would have been painfully obvious who had walked by.

        "Does Freddie boy have a thing for someone?" Lee asked while making a smirking face at my twin.

"No, I do not, I have no clue what you're talking about. Why don't you continue your argument, you idiots." And with that, they were pulled back into their argument without seeing the heat that was rising to my cheeks. I have no clue what I was thinking looking at her way there is no way that that could ever work out, I can hardly believe that we could all be friends yet alone anything more. It was going to be a little hard convincing everyone that Aurelia is not Draco and that she does believe in the same things. But if I ever want to really see her again i'll have to show them just who she really is.

       Before I knew it we had arrived at King Cross station me and all my siblings were greeted by our mother.

"Oh, Freddie, Georgie I've missed you both please tell me you've stayed out of trouble. Ron, how have you been darling? Awe my little Ginny Sweetheart how was the first year did you love it? Did your big brothers look after you?" She gushed while seeing all of her children. I could only smile seeing my mother like this, she was really the best mom I could ever ask her. That however does not exempt her from our pranks, no matter how much I love the woman.

        "Yes mummy the boys kept watch of me and I even made a few friends some my age and a couple that were in older years. The twins did play a few pranks on me." Ginny threw me and George a look of revenge for when we filled her bed with candy but enchanted it so it looked like spiders to her. Mum gave us a rather dirty look but carried on talking to Ginny.

        "Ginny I am so proud of you did any of the older kids or any of those Slytherins give you any trouble?"

"No, the boys mostly kept all the older years away from me, and as for Slytherins I only really talked to one and she's rather nice and cool."

"A nice Slytherin, really??"

"Yeah mum her name was Aurelia Malfoy."

"Malfoy, oh you best stay away from her, those Malfoys are nothing but trouble."

I could tell that Ginny was not listening she is very strong-headed and likes to make her own opinions about people. That's something I admire about Gin, but it also makes her quite difficult to deal with. We had just arrived to the Burrow when dad showed up at the same time just getting off of work. He greeted us almost the same way as a mum, asking us all a hundred different questions but he was not as lovey as mums. After catching up with dad, me and George went up to our rooms to unpack when he accidently let off one of the small fireworks that we had been working and it crept out of our room and down stairs to the kitchen where mum was. She was furious with us and yelled at us, talking about how the rest of the summer could not be like this. We both nodded and went back upstairs, knowing that the rest of the summer would be almost exactly just like this.

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