~This Place Again~

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Jungkook POV//

I walk the short and sorrow streets of Downtown Busan. Waiting for my fathers house to arrive I my sight, I walk and walk splashing In puddles kicking rocks thinking about what my father may do to me when I arrive home. I feel a slight buzz from my phone in my pocket I pull it out and it seems to be my father is calling  "Hello?" I saw quietly not wanting to get on his nerves "Jeon jungguk.." my father mumbles out "I need you home, we need to talk" I sigh lightly agreeing  with him and I pick up my pace 


I walk inside setting my stuff down and hanging up my coat. "Father?" I yell "Oh well well..Jungkook" I recognize that voice not as my fathers but as my worst bully Ji-ko "J-jiko..what are you doing h-here, if i may ask.." I stutter as he walks closer as i step back 

"Ji-ko here told me about how you're talking to boys?!" My father yelled as I flinched 

"Father..I would never go against your rules..i swear!!" 

"You lying sick bastard!" he yells slapping me across the face making me tumble over. I cover my ears to fade out the sounds of laughter and yelling as i hum my mothers lullaby 

My father picks me up and throws me by the stairs "go to your room you worthless boy" i hear ji-ko's sickening chuckle "see you tomorrow kook" I run faster up the stairs making sure to get away from them why can't things go back to normal when mother was still around..I think to myself barring my head into my pillow. 

After watching "train to busan" I sneak out of my window into my roof, I look up to see the stars smiling lightly.. "Lets go somewhere, yeah?" i ask myself i go back inside grab my coat and I begin to walk around town again. 

"some ramen sounds nice  :>" I look around for the local ramen store "gotcha" I jump in excitement 

I walk up to the worker "eh. excuse me? can I order something?" I say smiling 

"oh Yes dear you can!! Sorry bunny.." 

"oh? b-bunny? where did that come from?" i chuckle and pick at my nails 

"Well haha you're super cute and look like a bunny!!" the worker says and pinches my cheeks and I giggle

"what can i get you?" He says and wow he's really handsome 

"Bunny? you're staring..im world wide handsome nobody can resist" bahhhaha this man- but he's not joking he really is beautiful.. 

"sorry :3 can i get a cup of regular chicken ramen, please. " I ask politely "yes you can" I sit and wait at a table. shortly after he brings me the ramen and i enjoy eating it slowly 

"thank you Hyung!:>" I yell    

"oo hyung?" he says "oh my gosh i am so sorry I just assumed your age!" i bow a million times he just chuckles "its fine kid im 27 btw and my name is Seokjin :)" he smiles and reaches out his hand "my name is jungkook im 23..nice to meet you Seokjin" we shake hands bid our goodbyes and i leave. 

I get on the bus and tell the driver my location 

I walk to the very back, i plug in my headphones and listens to music. 

I look at the couples walking by wish i could have something like them.."huh what's this?" i say I found a sticky note with a phone number on it reading "xxx-xxx-xxxx text me humans :( " the note read. I chuckle and pull out my phone 

should I do it..I could get hurt or in serous trouble..I guess ill try it out but if things get weird ill block them 

I open my messaging app and type in the number 

me: hi?! i found your number on the bus..

                                                                                                                        unknown: OMG yas i've waited forever!! 

Me: ..haha well i'm here now :) 

yah double update!!  i hope you liked it and come read the next chapter :) bye besties 

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