Operation Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

Then (y/n), literally grabbed me and started quietly crying on my shoulder. As someone as cold to most people as she is, she can be prone to emotional outbursts from time to time. For example, in the karaoke night, when we were walking home, she started sobbing because she didn't know if Ray was telling the truth or not.

(y/n) has the mindset of a seven-year-old at times.

At least no one besides the two of us is here.

"Why does he have to be such a tease?!" she said, burying her face onto my shoulders. I awkwardly patted her head. "It annoys me on how so confusing he is."

Poor girl doesn't even know the concept of romance anymore.

"(y/n), that's just how he is sometimes," I said. She seemed like she stopped silently crying. She quickly fixed herself up as we heard more students pour into class. (y/n and I greeted others while she scanned her textbooks. Then we were asked to take our seats and the final exams have begun.


I stretched and drank some water. "I thought our tests would never end! I hope I did well!" I told (y/n). She was busy unpacking her locker. "Why are you already packing? We still have tomorrow, you know."

She nodded. "So I can leave and never look back here for two and a half weeks once the bell rings."

"That's smart. I'll just pack later. Well, see you tomorrow, (y/n)," I waved at her and she waved back.

I felt kind of bad that I had to leave her right there, but I had a plan. As you all may already know, my sole purpose in life is for (y/n) to experience young love before I die. And the perfect person for that is Ray.

Once I came home, I instantly started working. Tomorrow's our last day, so I had to get this done.

2:00 am

"Congratulations, (f/n), you finally finished it," I said to myself before falling asleep on my bed.

Fast-forward to 7:00 am

I barely had any sleep tonight but that's the least of my concerns. I quickly got ready and headed out the door, with a lightly toasted brioche bun in my hand.

While eating my breakfast, I carefully thought of my plan. Before I knew it, I was at the school's gates. Then I got an idea.

I dashed through the open corridors and burst into the student council room. Just as I thought. Norman and Emma were there. And strangely, extremely close. Well, we'll just look into that later.

They instantly separated with Emma exclaiming, "We're not dating!" I chose to ignore that as I quietly set up my laptop.

"Uh, (f/n), do you need something?" Emma asked. I looked up and gestured to them.

"Yes, I do. I need your guy's help."

My plan was to recruit our student council president and vice president to my mission. With their help, I can have important insight with Ray and devise a plan for him and (y/n).

With a click of a button, the projector slide rolled down, with my presentation I worked so hard on last night. I spoke on it as the two listened attentively. They seemed very engaged with it. I came prepared with every piece of information I know about them, such as their class schedules, common interests, zodiac signs, etc.

When I finished they gave a small round of applause. I extravagantly bowed.

"So you're saying that you want our assistance in setting up y/n and Ray?" Emma asked.

I nodded. "Well, are you in?"

Norman crossed his arms and smiled mischievously before answering,

"Oh hell yes."

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