The Student Council

Start from the beginning

"Okay, I'll vote for your friend. Just, show me a picture of him first," I stated. (f/n) smiled and opened her phone. It was a picture of a boy with white hair and blue eyes.

"Who's he? Jack Frost?" I said sarcastically. But as I looked at the photo, I remember this time last year where he helped a child walk down the street one morning.

"Hm. He seems capable, and I think I've seen him at school assemblies before," I said softly.

"Yes! Thank you (y/n), I knew I could count on you!" (f/n) exclaimed before heading to class.

Fast forward to school elections, his speech was actually convincing, I voted for him for (f/n)'s sake, and he won by a landslide.

But the week after that, that was when the crazy stuff happened.

We switch to (f/n)'s pov

"Alright so, we got our treasurer, vice president, and publicity commissioner," Norman said. He appointed Emma, Ray, and I to work with him.

"But we still need our secretary," Emma stated from behind him. "Ray, do you know anybody?"

The raven-haired boy shook his head. "No."

"Wait, actually, I know someone who's fit for this job. You don't know her, but you're gonna love her," I said excitedly. "Just give me a day and I'll convince her to join."

I ran out of the council room and raced to (y/n)'s house. Just as I suspected, she was right about to open her door.

"(y/n)!" I screamed. She immediately turned around and started walking towards me.

"(f/n)! Stop jump-scaring me like that. I swear, next time you try doing that, I'm gonna get a heart attack."

"Sorry, but one more thing," I said, getting her attention.

"What now?" she replied.

"Join student council with me, please," I answered. She opened her mouth to protest, but I continued.

"That boy you voted for, the white-haired one, chose me for publicity commissioner," I started. "And we need someone for the secretary position. You're the perfect person. You have a sense of responsibility, and you take down notes fast. Your handwriting is a little messy, but as long as you can read it, it's fine. Also, (y/n), you need to start meeting new people. I know you don't like it, but it's for the better."

She smiled, which was the last reaction I expected from her. "I don't know whether I should be flattered or offended, but if it's for the good of my wellbeing, then I'll do it."

I was surprised. "Really? Wow, that was way easier than I thought it would be." I murmured.

"Tell your friend that I accept the proposition before I change my mind," (y/n) said. I quickly texted Norman.

"Alright, our first meeting is tomorrow at lunch. Also, all of our free periods will be in the council room, and we will also have other stuff to do there after school," I said before running off.

Remember what I said last week, about how if (y/n) ever met Norman she would've fallen for him? That's kind of a lie just to intrigue her into joining. He wasn't her type to begin with.

It's the treasurer she would've had feelings for, but it's not like I would say that to her. She would have killed me if I did.

Timeskip to the next day

(y/n)'s pov

12:15 pm. Lunchtime. Well here goes. (f/n) waited for me outside my history class and we walked together to the council room.

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