Always and Forever, Extremely Handsome

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Cedric Diggory is perfect. He looks like he was sculpted by a Greek god. Girls are lining up to date him, and I would to, but I can't look desperate. Here's my dilemma; I am part veela, so I don't exactly go unnoticed, but I am also the Minister's daughter, which makes guys ask me out so they can get their parents a raise or they'll date me so I buy them expensive stuff. So I've rejected all of them because none of them are Cedric Diggory. Why would he ask me out when literally anyone would date him?...... I zoned out lost in my thoughts. My dad is snapping in front of my face " Ophelia! Darling! Ophelia!" I shake my head and zone back in and oh now people are in front of me talking to my dad. Of course, they are. I look up and... Oh my God, it's the Diggory's.  Did Cedric see me staring? Oh Lord, I look like an idiot now. It doesn't help my case that when they start to talk to me I have to take a step back because they're tall and I'm uhhh vertically challenged. 

" So Ophelia, how is school?" Amos asks me very politely. 

" School's fine " I hate to be short with him, but Cedric is staring at me right now and he's so close to me I just can't help but feel awkward. 

" Remind me again dear, what house are you in? " Oh no, not this question. Amos isn't giving up, is he? This question is almost the most dreaded question because the Minister of Magic, who pretends he was in Hufflepuff! ( He was in Slytherin!) has a Slytherin daughter. 

" I'm a Slytherin, sir," I answer gulping a little and looking him in the eye. He just nods, thank God. Just when I thought I was relieved from the awkwardness of this conversation my dad just had to make it worse. 

" Honey, you stay here with Cedric and hang out with him, I'm going on a walk with my old pal Amos." Dad looks at me with a look that tells me if I run off, I'm screwed. I try to run off from my dad's attempts at setting me up to be friends with kids or date them. I look him in the eye and just nod. 

" Cedric keep an eye on her" Amos yells as they walk off. I gape, " I'm fourteen, I can handle myself!" I reply back. Cedric shakes his head and chuckles. " What are you laughing at?" 

"You trying to get out of hanging out with me" Cedric laughs. 

" I'm not trying to get out of hanging out with you, I'm just tired of my dad acting like I can't talk to people by myself," I reply back, sort of frustrated with my father. 

" Well, you wanna go walk somewhere?" 


" Okayy let's go." 

He slings an arm around my shoulder..... butterflies..... Ophelia, control yourself. Cedric leads me in the general direction of the tents. I kind of want to go see my friends, but I have a gut feeling Cedric doesn't want to go find them. I didn't get any owls from Harry over the summer, which is normal because he lives with some awful muggles. Hermione and I owl-ed all the time, but it's not the same as seeing each other in person. I didn't get any owls from Ron because, well he's Ron I look up from my feet where I see... No, it can't be... OH MY GOD, IT'S VIKTOR KRUM..... I look at Cedric who's already looking at me, I assume for my reaction. 

" You see him too right? Or am I hallucinating?" I ask him while taking double-takes. 

" Oh, I see him. He's looking right at you." He says almost protectively, weird. Viktor starts walking over. VIKTOR STARTS WALKING OVER? WHAT THE HELL? I look at him as though just noticing him and take a step forward, dodging out from under Cedric's arm. I just dodged Cedric Diggory, oops. I can hang with him later, Viktor is now. 

" Hello Gorgeous, how are you today?"  Viktor asks while picking up my hand and kissing it. 

" I am just fine, thank you. " I answer, acting as normal and chill as possible. OH MY GOD YOU'RE TALKING TO VIKTOR KRUM. Shut up Ophelia, act normal. 

" What's your name beautiful?" 

"Ophelia, Ophelia Fudge. And you are?" Of course, I know who he is, but I'm acting chill. 

" Viktor, Viktor Krum. I'm the seeker for the Bulgarian Quidditch team." He responds so politely as if he isn't shocked I don't know his name. 

" A seeker," I nod. I literally already know everything about this man already. " I'm a beater for the Slytherin Quidditch team. " 

"Slytherin? Oh okay. Nice to meet you. Would you like t-" 

Someone clears their throat. I turn around. Cedric is standing there with his hands in his pockets looking Viktor up and down. 

" Well, Ophelia let's keep going," Cedric says looking slightly perturbed. What is happening? I nod and wave off Viktor. Cedric wraps an arm around my shoulder and squeezes it a bit, pulling me closer to him. butterflies. 

" Well that was interesting," He says, still looking... was it... frustrated? upset? sad? jealous? No, it couldn't be. 

Cedric's POV 

" Well that was interesting," I start. I'm going to be honest, I am extremely jealous about what just happened. Ophelia nods. I hear someone clear their throat from behind us as we walk up the stairs to the Minister's box where I promised to meet dad and the Minister. I turn on my heel and so does Ophelia, but I wish I didn't. Lucius Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy has been trying to set Ophelia up with Draco since Year 1. She's a pureblood Slytherin, and she's the Minister's daughter. Not only is it Lucius, but also Draco. 

" Hello Mr. Malfoy, Draco, " Ophelia starts. 

" Ahhhh Ophelia so nice to see you again doll," I see her face harden a bit as he says this, she gets called weird names by a lot of Ministry workers and this definitely isn't the only man trying to set their son up with Ophelia. " hanging with Diggory are you? Why don't you hang out with us doll? Much better company than such blood traitors," Lucius scoffs. I'm unphased, this isn't the first time and it won't be the last I get degraded by a Malfoy.   Draco's arm goes out to scoop Ophelia away but she walks closer to me and I squeeze her tighter. At this point, Ophelia looks about to burst. I try to turn around, but Ophelia starts talking. 

" With all due respect Mr.Malfoy, the Diggory's are great people and deserved to be treated with respect. Hanging with people who aren't purebloods has never been an issue in my mind and never will be. One of my best friends is a muggle-born. AND I am not going to date your son so you can get a raise. I am not a bidding prize and won't be treated as such. I would rather stay with Cedric, thank you." She says. I'm not going to lie, I'm amazed, that was impressive. She turns on her heel and I turn to follow, having just enough time to see the looks on the Malfoy's face, Lucius looks appalled, but what doesn't make sense is Draco looks impressed and has a light-smirk on his face. When Lucius says, " Love, surely you don't mean that-" She doesn't turn around, but instead we keep walking and she yells out, " Love, I surely do." and we stride off. A teenager just stood up to Lucius Malfoy. They were a pureblood-ed, Slytherin, fourteen-year-old, part-veela, female. Damn. I knew she was amazing, but I didn't know she would do something like that. 

We march up the stairs to the Minister's box which Ophelia seems to be delaying. I don't get to talk to her as much as that Gryfindor trio, but I have a fair amount. And this is what you have to understand about Ophelia, she hates being spotlighted and hates, even more, being set up with people. When she's with her dad she never gets to hang out with her own friends and gets set up with Ministry kids. I wish we got to be friends before our dad's forced us to be. I would love to get to know Ophelia outside of her " I hate being the Minister's daughter" mood. She really is gorgeous. 

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