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To say that Percy Weasley was over it all would be an understatement.

       After the war, he reunited with his family and left the ministry for good. He had decided that maybe the ministry wasn't the way to make people proud, or maybe he just finally accepted that he doesn't give a fuck.
        He moved back into the burrow, with his lively family and broken dreams. Percy had few friends, the remaining form school being Oliver Wood and whatever knowledge he still had left in him. Though the ministry actually brought forth some close friends. However these people simply weren't what Percy was looking for. Well not anymore at least.

        He was not set on staying at the burrow forever, and it took him about a month after moving back in to realize that he wanted back out. But this realization was about eight months ago. Since then he had been working a job. It was simple and small but it made good pay. A tiny flower shop on the north corner of London. The owner was an old woman who lived in France, but this meant that it was left to Percy to run the place. There were no other employees and Percy was joyous to get his mind off of well.. nothing actually. He had nothing going on and nobody to go to.

Occasionally he would reminisce on his Hogwarts days, wishing he did more. Wishing that just maybe he bloomed like the roses in the shop which he worked in. But this, this was merely a dream to him. The past, Mrs. Dolleny would say when Percy mentioned it in a short visit to check in.

Now, Percy was in the front fields of the burrow after a long shift which included many, probably to many, elderly women yelling at him for being to quiet.

As he walked up the narrow path he heard faint laughter. The joyous sound that he could never imagine sharing the world with. it not only concealed joy and pain but it completely washed it away as far as Percy knew. He investigated the series of loud exclamations of happiness through the window. Seeing his whole family sitting down around the dinner tables, laughing and talking and sharing stories from their days at work and in Ginny's case school. Watching the laughter spread throughout the room made Percy feel .. something he couldn't explain.. something empty inside of him that made him feel as though he couldn't breathe. As if he was being stabbed but had no care in the world for it.

He reached for the cold doorknob, twisting it barley and softly to remain as quiet as possible. Hoping nobody would notice he walked in. And nobody would have noticed if Fred and George didn't run straight through him just as he walked in the door causing crashes of plates and people.

Suddenly the laughter stopped. As if every joy in the world was ripped from their souls. Like Percy's was. it was silent for at least one hundred and twenty-two seconds before Molly spoke excitedly,

"Percy! Why where have you been All day? And oh my your probably starving it's so late. Come, come dear and fix up a plate!" Out came the Words he was dreading.

Oh and, another thing that may have slipped the mention. The Weasleys have no idea of Percy's job nor of his feelings.

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