Girls Day Gone Rouge (also a mass murder tries to break into my dorm)

Start from the beginning

~time skip because you don't want to read forty minutes with of just sitting in a carriage~

"Three Broomsticks first?" OJ asks.

"Uh, duh" Reg replies, and we all laugh. We get to the Three Broomsticks and we sit down at a table in the back, so we can talk freely. I decide that now's the best time to release the information that I've found.

"So, I have good news and bad news, depending on who you are."

"Okay, I only ate a little bit of your chocolate stash, what's the big deal?" Reg exclaims as if she's been holding it in forever.

"Okay one; not what I was talking about and two; I'll deal with you later. And you would be one of the two-well, three counting me of course-who takes this as good news. OJ, you probably aren't going to like this idea but too bad."

"What is it?" Le asks.

"Better not be you trying to come up with another way for me to do all of the homework, because that's not happening again." OJ grumbles

"No, uh-how do I put this plainly-oh right. I-Le and Reg, feel free to join me if you please-am going to become an animagus so I can go with you on the nights that you have to go water your flower."

The reaction from everyone went as I had pictured it when I found this information out.

"I'm in," Reg announced, setting her butterbeer down.

"Me too, it sounds like fun" Le added in

"No, no, nope, not happening. Absolutely not." OJ argues

I ignored her, and got to take a vote. "All those in favor of becoming animagi to help our best friend through more than just when her aunt ruby comes to town?" I ask, and me, Reg, and Le raise our hands. "All opposed?"

"Oh fine, you win. But how are you going to do this? When? Not to mention, how did you find out about this?"

"Uhm one; I have the instructions here." I place the paper down. "Two; as soon as we possibly can, we can stop by the greenhouses after we get back, and pick up the leaves. Three, Minnie will tell you anything you want to know for hypothetical reasons. You just have to know how to ask her, because I'm pretty sure that she could lose her job if she just releases the information of the process to someone who wants to become an illegal animagus."

"Ooh, I've always wanted to do something rebellious before I graduate." Lele exclaims.

"So if we're doing this illegally, does that mean that it's up to OJ, whos' in total disagreement of this plan, to brew the highly dangerous potion?" Reg asks, and I nod. "Perfect." she grins

"Well I mean, she could brew it wrong, but if she does, that could have really really really bad side effects not only to us, but to our future children. And I'm pretty sure that OJ can't read Lord of the Rings to her nieces/nephews if they're goldfish. And she's the best person to make the potion, so-"

"Just-promise me you won't do anything too stupid, will you?" OJ sighs in defeat, finally giving into my plan.

"Stupid? We haven't resorted to calling me by my middle name, have we?" I say with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Oh shut up Marrie, you're bloody brilliant, stop complaining," Reg answers with a playful scold, and we finish our breakfast and head out.

"So, Zonkos or Honeydukes? We're out of our normal pranking supplies, and I'm pretty sure that if Mara doesn't get her hands on some chocolate soon, she's going to murder us all." Le asks once we walk in the general direction of the two stores.

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